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#£@††:,,,¨ ¨ ¨,,,:††@£#
#@¤¤†«««,¨ ¨†£# ¨,«««†¤¤@#
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#£¤††:,¨¨¨ ¨†£# ¨¨¨,:††¤£#
££@¤¤†:«,¨ ¨†£# #£† ¨,«:†¤¤@££
£@@¤†:«,,¨ ¨†£# #£†¨ ¨,,«:†¤@@£
£@††::,¨¨¨ ¨†£# #£†¨ ¨¨¨,::††@£
££@@¤†:«,¨ ¨†£# eurorack #£†¨ ¨,«:†¤@@££
##£@¤†:«,¨ ¨†£# #£†¨ ¨,«:†¤@£##
#@†::,,,,¨ ¨†£# #£†¨ ¨,,,,::†@#
#@@†«¨¨¨¨¨ †£# #£†¨ "eurorack" ¨¨¨¨¨«†@@#
#@¤¤¤†:«,¨ #£†¨ (thanks dieter) ¨,«:†¤¤¤@#
##£@¤†:«,¨ #£†¨ an ecosystem for building ¨,«:†¤@£##
##£@¤†:«,¨ #£†¨ your own prayer machine ¨,«:†¤@£##
##£@¤†:«,¨ ¨ ¨,«:†¤@£##
###@¤†:«,¨ ¨,«:†¤@###
@¤†«¨¨¨¨¨¨ things called "synthesizers" can be used ¨¨¨¨¨¨«†¤@
£££@¤†:«,¨ for communion with deities and fursonas. ¨,«:†¤@£££
##£@¤†:«,¨ ¨,«:†¤@£##
##£@¤†:«,¨ popularized by serge and his ilk such as ¨,«:†¤@£##
@†::««¨¨¨¨ mc kenna or buchla. you can induce ¨¨¨¨««::†@
##£@¤†:«,¨ liminal states to aid in divination. ¨,«:†¤@£##
##£@¤†:«,¨ ¨,«:†¤@£##
#££@¤†:«,¨ #£†¨ ¨†£# ¨,«:†¤@££#
£@¤:«,¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨,«:¤@£
#££@¤†:«,¨ "frog box": the author's attempt at ¨,«:†¤@££#
£@¤¤::,¨¨¨ such a device. ¨¨¨,::¤¤@£
#@@@¤†:«,¨ ¨,«:†¤@@@#
@†:,¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨,:†@
£¤†«,¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨,«†¤£
##£@¤†:«,¨ ¨,«:†¤@£##
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