.£.£@,¤¨@§ £¨#.¤¤¤¨&§
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.#,@§¨&.£¤ #,£.£,§.¤§
,§.,§¨&..¤ £,&.@,#.¨@
.£.¤¤.@¨## £¨&,§¨&.¤¤
.&¨¨#.¤,.@ fuck dirt ¨¨¨ highly volatile auto- £¨&¨#,£¨,¤
,&,&£.£¨£§ ..¨,,,,,,.¨¨. weaponized dirtlike ¤.#.#.@¨&£
¨#.¨¤,§¨.@ distributed organism pool ¤,&.@,@¨,§
¨#.¤£,¤, ¤,§¨#¨#,#¤
,&.,¤,@¨¨& the fuck dirt ~fucks^ #.&,@,#.¨§
¨#,¤&,§,§& &.£¨#.@,#£
,£..#,£.¨§ .¨¨,,.¨.¨,¨¨..,¨..¨..,,,,,¨.¨..¨¨.,¨¨,., ¤¨£.£¨@,¨¤
,§.££.£,£§ ¨,¨,.,,,¨..¨,,¨,..,.¨.¨.,,.¨¨.¨¨¨.,,,,.. #.§.&,£¨¤&
¨@¨,§,£.,§ #.§¨&¨£¨¨#
.£,§#,@,@§ a good mix of spermatodes, eggs, &.£¨§.§,£@
.#.,£,£¨.£ larvae, carcasses,, worms, spores, @.¤¨£.&.¨£
¨#.§#,£,@§ insects and gross plants. &.&,§.&¨@£
¨&¨,&.¤¨,# §,#,£¨&¨.§
.@.##¨@¨@¤ you do .not, step on this without shoes §¨§¨¤.§.§@
¨#,¨#¨§,¨§ or smth. unless you wanna get foot &.#,£¨£.,£
¨¤.#@¨@¨£@ pregnant (some do) #,#,@.£¨#§
¨§.¨#.@,,@ &.§,@.@..&
,#,§§¨¤¨§& ,,,.¨ ¤.§,§,£.§#
,¤¨¨@.&..¤ &.¤¨#.§,,&
,§.£@.&¨#§ escaped from lab? inevitability because ¤.&¨£.&.@£
,£¨¨#.#,.¤ of the conditions on the alvar? or does ¤,#.#.@..&
¨§¨&§.£¨¤¤ nature just be like that if you look &,@¨£,§.&§
¨#¨.¤¨¤,.£ close??? #.¤.@¨@¨¨&
.§,&£,§¨@& §¨&.£¨¤.£&
.&¨.#.¤,.& .,¨¨¨¨.,¨¨.,,....,.¨,¨¨,¨.¨¨,,..¨¨..¨,¨. ¤.¤,§¨@.,£
.&.£¤,#, -,~~::^^:--^.^-.,^^:,.-,.,~^.,:~~~.~^,,, §.£,£¨#,¤¤
¨¤¨,#¨£,.¤ */=\\†:†;=;:*=†:/\†\=;\\^=;^^^**\†=^**/; §.§¨#.¤.¨#
,&,#£.¤¨@£ ;;/^;^^*:^\:^//^\*\=\†:^\;†^*;/=^\/:\††= #.@,§.¤¨£¤
,£,.&.@.¨& §¨£,¤¨¤,.&
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.&¨.£,§,¨# @¨#,&,¤¨,@
.#.§&,¤,££ &,@¨§,£¨§¤
.£.,@¨&,,@ ¤¨&.#.§¨¨§