.££..££.££ ££££....££
££.£.£.££. £...£...£.
£.££££££.£ .£..££..££
.££.....££ .££.£.£.£.
.£.£....£. .£.£££££££
£££££...££ # % . # % . # % Lying # % . # % . # % . ££££......
£....£..£. # % . In My Room, # % . ....£.....
££...££.££ # Arms Flopped Over The Edge Of The Bed. £...££....
£.£..£.££. # % . Something Poking My Left Hand, .£..£.£...
££££.£££.£ # % . Something Slimy, .££.££££..
£...££..££ # % . Slithering Around The Fingers, .£.££...£.
££..£.£.£. # % . Up The Arm. # % . ££££.£..££
..£.££££££ Is It Drug-Fueled Apathy? # % . £...£££.£.
..£££..... # % . I Don'T Move The Arm. .£..£..£££
£.£..£.... # % . # % . # % . £££.££.£..
££££.££... Whatever It Is That'S Tasting Me, # % . ...££.£££.
£...££.£.. It Moves Further Up, # % . ...£.££..£
.£..£.£££. Reaches The Armpit. # % . ...£££.£.£
£££.£££..£ I Turn My Head Toward It. # % . ...£..££££
...££..£.£ # % . Looks Like Seagrass. ...££.£...
...£.£.£££ # % . It'S Kinda Cute. # % . ...£.£££..
...£££££.. # % . # % . # % . ...£££..£.
...£....£. # % . Once It'S Up My Neck And On My ...£..£.££
£..££...££ Face, I Bite It. # % . £..££.£££.
££.£.£..£. # % . The Texture Is Like That Of A .£.£.££..£
..£££££.££ Juicy # % . Grape, ££££££.£.£
£.£....££. # % . And The Squish Tastes Like Sweet £.....££££
.£££...£.£ # % . # % . Cucumber. . ££....£...
.£..£..£££ # % . It'S Very Good. # % . And I # % . ..£...££..
.££.££.£.. Suck More Of It In. # % . £.££..£.£.
.£.££.£££. # % . Chew It. # % . £££.£.££££
££££.££..£ # % . The Seagrass Doesn'T Seem To Mind. ...££££...
£...££.£.£ # % . # % . # % . ...£...£..
££..£.££££ % » Apathy Gone, I Sit Up. % » ...££..££.
£.£.£££... % » The Tendrils Are Stuck Under % » £..£.£.£.£
.££££..£.. % » My Shirt, % » Entering By The Arm ££.£££££££
££...£.££. And Exiting Through The Collar. % » ..££......
£.£..£££.£ % » This Makes It Hard For Me To Push ..£.£.....
££££.£..££ More Of It In My Mouth. % » ..££££....
£...£££.£. % » I Make To Remove The Shirt, But The ..£...£...
££..£..£££ Seagrass Finally Protests When I Try To £.££..££..
£.£.££.£.. Move My Left Arm. % » £££.£.£.£.
£££££.£££. % » So - Eating It Is Ok, % » £..£££££££
.....££..£ % » % » Moving It Is Not. % » % » ££.£......
.....£.£.£ ..£££.....
.....£££££ ..£..£....
.....£.... £.££.££...
.....££... £££.££.£..
.....£.£.. £..££.£££.