&¨&&&&&¨¨¨ &&&¨&&¨&&&
&&¨¨¨¨&¨¨¨ ¨¨&&¨&&¨¨¨
¨&¨¨¨&&¨¨& ¨&¨&&¨&¨¨&
&&¨¨&¨&¨&& &&&¨&&&¨&&
¨&¨&&&&&¨& ¨¨&&¨¨&&¨¨
&&&¨¨¨¨&&& [~] dark drink [~] ¨&¨&¨&¨&¨¨
¨¨&¨¨¨&¨¨¨ [#¨] "devil's coffee" [¨#] &&&&&&&&¨&
¨&&¨¨&&¨¨¨ [~] poison-class drink [~] ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨&&&
&¨&¨&¨&¨¨& [~] brewed [~] ¨¨¨¨¨¨&¨¨&
&&&&&&&¨&¨ ¨¨¨¨¨&&¨&¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨&&&& ¨¨¨¨&¨&&&&
¨¨¨¨¨&¨¨¨¨ the devil's coffee is a coffee that's ¨¨¨&&&¨¨¨&
¨¨¨¨&&¨¨¨¨ been replenished by devils. ¨¨&¨¨&¨¨&&
¨¨¨&¨&¨¨¨¨ ¨&&¨&&¨&¨&
¨¨&&&&¨¨¨& there are many ways to accomplish this, &¨&&¨&&&&&
¨&¨¨¨&¨¨&& but the surest way is to leave the brew &&¨&&¨¨¨¨&
&&¨¨&&¨&¨¨ in a glass pot that's exposed sto sun ¨&&¨&¨¨¨&&
¨&¨&¨&&&¨& over a day, evening, night and morning. &¨&&&¨¨&¨¨
&&&&&¨¨&&& the stray devils in the coffee will &&¨¨&¨&&¨¨
¨¨¨¨&¨&¨¨¨ thus get the energy they need to ¨&¨&&&¨&¨&
¨¨¨&&&&¨¨¨ multiply, and will slowly take over the &&&¨¨&&&&&
¨¨&¨¨¨&¨¨& whole pot. ¨¨&¨&¨¨¨¨&
¨&&¨¨&&¨&¨ ¨&&&&¨¨¨&&
&¨&¨&¨&&&& effects will vary depending on the &¨¨¨&¨¨&¨&
&&&&&&¨¨¨¨ drinking body and what devils were &¨¨&&¨&&&¨
¨¨¨¨¨&¨¨¨¨ present in the time and place, ranging &¨&¨&&¨¨&&
¨¨¨¨&&¨¨¨¨ from a slight tinge of mistrust &&&&¨&¨&¨&
¨¨¨&¨&¨¨¨¨ (common) to complete bodily collapse ¨¨¨&&&&&&&
¨¨&&&&¨¨¨& (rare). ¨¨&¨¨¨¨¨¨&
¨&¨¨¨&¨¨&¨ ¨&&¨¨¨¨¨&&
&&¨¨&&¨&&¨ a decreased caffeine effectiveness have &¨&¨¨¨¨&¨&
¨&¨&¨&&¨&¨ been reported. &&&¨¨¨&&&¨
&&&&&¨&&&¨ ¨¨&¨¨&¨¨&¨
¨¨¨¨&&¨¨&& ¨&&¨&&¨&&&
¨¨¨&¨&¨&¨& &¨&&¨&&¨¨&
¨¨&&&&&&&¨ &&¨&&¨&¨&&
¨&¨¨¨¨¨¨&¨ ¨&&¨&&&&¨&