.&..&..&&& .&.&&..&.&
.&.&&.&.&& .&..&.&&.&
.&..&.&..& .&.&&..&.&
.&.&&.&.&. .&..&.&&.&
.&..&.&.&. .&.&&..&.&
&.&.&.&.&& -- ...&.&.&&&
.&&&&&&&&. %.#%.#%.# -..- .%#.%#.%# ...&&&&&..
.&.......& .# %# &..&....&.
.&&......& #% At First They Think They Hear A .% &&.&&...&&
&&.&.....& %. Bird, An Elusive Call They Can'T #. &.&&.&..&.
&.&&&....& .# Place, And They Will Linger. Lured %# .&&.&&&.&&
.&&..&...& #% By The Trills (We Create Synthetic .% &&.&&..&&.
.&.&.&&..& %. Trills To Saturate And Confuse The #. &.&&.&.&.&
&&&&&&.&.& .# Senses) They Edge Nearer. Until %# &&&.&&&&&&
......&&&& #% They Are Suddenly Too Close. Then .% &..&&.....
......&... %. Our Full Call In All It'S Majesty, #. .&.&.&....
......&&.. .# Piercing Them And Enflaming A Fake %# &&&&&&&...
......&.&. #% Love To Drench All Others! .% &......&..
......&&&& .# %# &&.....&&.
......&... #%.#%.#%. %#.%#.%#. &.&....&.&
&.....&&.. -..- .&&&...&&&
.&....&.&. %.#%.#%.# .%#.%#.%# &&..&..&..
.&&...&&&& .# %# &.&.&&.&&.
.&.&..&... #% And Then, We Quickly Pull Away .% .&&&&.&&.&
&&&&&.&&.. %. That New Love, And They Shall Be #. .&...&&.&&
.....&&.&. .# Like Moths, Searching For Any %# .&&..&.&&.
.....&.&&& #% Glimmer, Anything To Nurture This .% .&.&.&&&.&
&....&&&.. %. New And Fiery Need We Instilled #. .&&&&&..&&
.&...&..&. .# In Their Hearts. %# .&....&.&.
.&&..&&.&& #% .% &&&...&&&&
&&.&.&.&&. %.#%.#%.# -..- .%#.%#.%# ...&..&...
&.&&&&&&.& -- ...&&.&&..
&&&.....&& ...&.&&.&.
&..&....&. ...&&&.&&&
.&.&&...&& &..&..&&..
.&&&.&..&. .&.&&.&.&.
.&..&&&.&& &&&&.&&&&&
&&&.&..&&. &...&&....