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##%=;.,,,, ,,,,.;=%##
#%==;~,,,, The (Red) Wine Is A Real Darky slaw. ,,,,~;==%#
####%=;~., Its A Low Viscosity, Low Translucence, ,.~;=%####
####%=;~., Moody Drink Full Of Who Knows What. ,.~;=%####
#####%;~., ,.~;%#####
###=~.,,,, It Is Strong On The Senses; Just A Lick ,,,,.~=###
####%=;~., And The Taste Fills Your Mouth. It ,.~;=%####
#%==;.,,,, Damages The Stomach, And Hurts The ,,,,.;==%#
##%;;.,,,, Throat. Too Much Of This And There Will ,,,,.;;%##
####%=;~., Be Blood Flowing From Your Mouth. ,.~;=%####
####%=;~., ,.~;=%####
####%=;~., Three Times Stronger Than A Simple ,.~;=%####
#==;.,,,,, Beer, It Is Also Packaged In Larger ,,,,,.;==#
##%=;~,,,, Quantities... A Standard Serving Is A ,,,,~;=%##
#=;;.,,,,, Bottle, However For Groups Or Long ,,,,,.;;=#
####%=;~., Nights Something Called A Bag in box Is ,.~;=%####
#####%=;~. Available. .~;=%#####
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####%=;~., ,.~;=%####
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