&..&&.&..& ...&......
&&.&.&&&.& &..&&.....
&.&&&&..&& .&.&.&....
&&&...&.&. .&&&&&&...
&..&..&&&& .&.....&..
&&.&&.&... # % . # % . # % Lying # % . # % . # % . .&&....&&.
&.&&.&&&.. # % . In My Room, # % . &&.&...&.&
.&&.&&..&. # Arms Flopped Over The Edge Of The Bed. ..&&&..&&&
&&.&&.&.&& # % . Something Poking My Left Hand, &.&..&.&..
&.&&.&&&&. # % . Something Slimy, .&&&.&&&&.
&&&.&&...& # % . Slithering Around The Fingers, &&..&&...&
...&&.&..& # % . Up The Arm. # % . ..&.&.&..&
&..&.&&&.& Is It Drug-Fueled Apathy? # % . ..&&&&&&.&
.&.&&&..&& # % . I Don'T Move The Arm. &.&.....&&
&&&&..&.&. # % . # % . # % . .&&&....&.
&...&.&&&& Whatever It Is That'S Tasting Me, # % . &&..&...&&
.&..&&&... It Moves Further Up, # % . ..&.&&..&.
.&&.&..&.. Reaches The Armpit. # % . ..&&&.&.&&
&&.&&&.&&. I Turn My Head Toward It. # % . &.&..&&&&.
&.&&..&&.& # % . Looks Like Seagrass. &&&&.&...&
.&&.&.&.&& # % . It'S Kinda Cute. # % . ....&&&..&
&&.&&&&&&. # % . # % . # % . ....&..&.&
..&&.....& # % . Once It'S Up My Neck And On My ....&&.&&&
&.&.&....& Face, I Bite It. # % . &...&.&&..
&&&&&&...& # % . The Texture Is Like That Of A .&..&&&.&.
&.....&..& Juicy # % . Grape, &&&.&..&&&
.&....&&.& # % . And The Squish Tastes Like Sweet &..&&&.&..
.&&...&.&& # % . # % . Cucumber. . &&.&..&&&.
.&.&..&&&. # % . It'S Very Good. # % . And I # % . &.&&&.&..&
&&&&&.&..& Suck More Of It In. # % . .&&..&&&.&
.....&&&.& # % . Chew It. # % . .&.&.&..&&
&....&..&& # % . The Seagrass Doesn'T Seem To Mind. .&&&&&&.&.
&&...&&.&. # % . # % . # % . &&.....&&&
..&..&.&&& % - Apathy Gone, I Sit Up. % - ..&....&..
..&&.&&&.. % - The Tendrils Are Stuck Under % - &.&&...&&.
..&.&&..&. % - My Shirt, % - Entering By The Arm &&&.&..&.&
&.&&&.&.&& And Exiting Through The Collar. % - &..&&&.&&&
.&&..&&&&. % - This Makes It Hard For Me To Push .&.&..&&..
.&.&.&...& More Of It In My Mouth. % - .&&&&.&.&.
.&&&&&&..& % - I Make To Remove The Shirt, But The .&...&&&&&
&&.....&.& Seagrass Finally Protests When I Try To &&&..&....
&.&....&&& Move My Left Arm. % - ...&.&&...
&&&&...&.. % - So - Eating It Is Ok, % - ...&&&.&..
&...&..&&. % - % - Moving It Is Not. % - % - ...&..&&&.
&&..&&.&.& ...&&.&..&
..&.&.&&&& ...&.&&&.&
&.&&&&&... ...&&&..&&
.&&....&.. &..&..&.&.
.&.&...&&. .&.&&.&&&&