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¨#.¤#.§,.¨ #~»= =~« -»» ~-- ~»~ ~~- »-- »=» ~~~# ,,,¨.#§,.¨
§#.¨&¨#¨.¨ * page on snake handling. = .,¨.¤,@,,¨
¨@,§&¨&¨¨¨ #-~- ~~= ~»« «»= ~=« »== =~~ =«» =~~# ...#&.¤,.§
,§.¨@¨&¨¨, ¨,£¨§¨&,#@
¨&¨¤&.#,¨§ the goal is anyway to become lucid ,¤£.#.@,¨£
.£,¨£.£¨£# inside the dream (if the dream is a @¨£,&,¤,#@
¨&.#£.£,¨¤ container) or while the dream takes @,&.@.@,,#
,§¨.£¨¤¨#& place (if it is an event). this is ¤.¤¨@¨£¨¤§
¨@,#&.£.,¤ somehow to do with serpents. #.@¨&.£¨,£
.@¨,¤¨@¨&& ¤.&¨¤,#.@&
¨@.#&,£..& #=»« -~~ ~«= »«« ~»= «»« =»» =~~ ~-=# &.#.§,@,.@
.@.¨¤¨&¨@£ * i knew there would be snakes, they ; #,§,&,&¨£¤
¨&.¤¤.¤.¨¤ / have this particular shape to them, ^ #.§¨§.¤,,#
,§,¨#.&¨ / makes them fit into cracks, ; §,#.&¨@¨&§
.#¨&£.@,,& : into seams. † &.#.@.&.,@
¨@,¨#,@¨&& : .¨.=~§«-,,. * #,§,@,¤¨&@
,£,§&,¤..§ † (since realm-travelness is inversely \ ¤¨§¨¤,&,,#
.¤..¤,£.£§ = proportional to size; larger animals ^ ¤¨#.¤¨¤.§@
,@.#&.#¨,£ * have to stay put. / #,#.@¨#,¨§
.¤.,§.#,§£ ^ snakes can cheat this by being \ £¨@,£,§¨£&
.£¨§£¨£,¨# * almost one-dimensional.) ; ¤.&¨#.@¨,¤
¨§.¨£,#.&¤ #~«« ««» ~~» -«» =«~ =~~ ~-» ~~- -==# £,&¨§.#.£#
.&,@@.@¨¨¤ ¤¨&.¤,@¨,@
,¤¨¨@.¤¨&£ eitherway. i did not fully understand ¤,&¨¤,#¨¤£
,&,§¤,¤,¨¤ which role they would play, or exactly @,£.§.§¨,£
.¤,¨#.¤,§£ -which~ snakes they would be - the #.£.&¨#¨
.#.§@,¤.¨£ nagas! the snake people. £,¤,§.£..¤
.&.,#,&,£# £,§¨&¨£,
¨¤¨¤¤,#.,& you will want them to guide you if you §.¤.¤¨@,.§
,&¨¨@,§.&¤ can. they are excellent nidra guides, @,¤,&,§.¤£
,§,@#¨¤..£ and many will take you on pro bono £,#.&¨£¨.§
¨§¨¨#.£,¤@ (i suspect they find amusement in our £,£¨¤,#,§#
,#¨&£¨@,.& attempts to travel where we are not #.£,#.&,.@
¨@¨,£.@.@£ easy to be.) the problem is finding one. £¨¤¨£,#,£#
.£,@#¨£.,@ ¤¨&,@,£,.#
¨@¨,£.§.#£ #»=« -=~ «=« «~« --~ ~»= «~~ ~»- ~«-# §,£.§.&¨¤£
.@.@¤,¤,.£ : don't fret if your meeting does not \ #.#¨#,@¨,¤
¨@,¨¤.&¨§& : go well - talking to a snake is \ ¤¨§.£¨@,&¤
,@¨¤#.§,.¤ ^ often a recursive matter. you will * #.¤¨¤,&,,¤
,&¨¨#,@,&£ / meet many times as you fall deeper, : ¤,@.§.&.§¤
¨§,¤@,#¨,§ / once per stage, the snake taking ^ &.¤.#¨¤,,@
,@,.¤¨#¨&¤ ; various forms in succession (stream, \ @¨#¨&¨#,¤@
.@¨&&.@,.& * snake, half-snake, queen, stream, † £¨&¨&¨@..&
¨¤..&.&,@£ ; thunder). you must repeat all : £¨¤.@.&¨¤£
¨#¨¤#.£,,¤ \ pleasantries each time as if you've ^ ¤.¤.£.£¨.¤
,&,.§.£,¤& : never before met (although the snake ^ #.@¨§,¤¨¤#
,&,&£.£,.@ ^ may choose to address you as an old \ §.§,@¨£,.£
¨§.¨@,¤.£@ ^ friend, follow their lead if so). * ¤.¤,£¨¤¨#£
.@¨£#.£.,§ #-«« ~«~ ~=« »~« =~« -«~ --« ~-- -~=# #¨#¨&.§..@
.#¨,&.¤,@§ @.&¨§.&,&§
¨@.£§¨§¨,¤ they have something to do with water, £¨#.#¨@..&
,§,.&.#,#¤ some close relation to it. i've yet to ¤.#¨@,@,#¤
,&.§£.£,¨§ uncover what this is. but you might ¤¨#,#.£¨.¤
¨@,.@.¤¨@@ have a higher chance of finding one £,@¨&¨&,@£
,&,&@.¤..£ close to a river or lake...? §.¤,#¨#,.§
,£.¨@,§¨§@ &¨#.&.&¨#£
¨@,§@¨@,¨¤ i've also heard them mentioned together #,&¨@.&¨.§
.&..#.§¨&£ with caves or "the world beneath the @.¤.£.&.@§
¨£¨§#.&..§ world". coincidence? you find regular &.&,@,§,¨§
¨¤¨¨@.#,£§ snakes in regular caves. or - could &.¤,¤,@,#£
.§.@¤.@..@ this be a reference to the dark lake? ¤,¤,@.¤,¨@
¨§.,£,¤.£& the holy water in the center of your @.§¨§,§.£¤
¨@.#@,&¨,£ chest. guardians? @.@¨#.#..£
¨£..§.£.&@ @¨¤,£¨@,@£
.&,&¤,@¨.¤ #.£¨£¨§,¨¤
¨&¨,§,§,¤& #¨@,@.£¨#§
,§.@@¨#¨,£ #,¤¨#,§¨,§
.@,,@,¤.@& #.¤,@.§¨¤£