££.£.£..£. .££.£££.£.
.£££££.££. £.££..££££
£....££.££ ££.£.£...£
£...£.££.£ .£££££..£.
£..£££.££. £....£.£££
£.£..££.££ . . . . . . . . . . £...£££...
£££.£.££.£ . . . . i'm scared, . . . . £..£..£..£
..££££.£££ . not for me but for the future . £.££.££.£.
.£...££... . . . of free will, . . . ££.££.£££.
££..£.£..£ i believe we should've never been given .££.££..£.
.£.££££.£. . . the fire of semiconductors, . . £.££.£.£££
£££...£££. . . . i wish ais and gans . . . ££.££££..£
..£..£..£. . . were never dreamt of. . . .££...£.£.
.££.££.££. . . . . . . . . . . £.£..££££.
£.££.££.£. . . i'm scared for the future . . £££.£...£.
££.££.£££. . . . . of life itself, . . . . ..£££..£££
.££.££..££ i believe we should've never been given .£..£.£...
£.££.£.£.. . . . the fuels of the deep earth, . . . ££.££££...
££.£££££.. . . i wish pipes were never built, . . .££...£..£
.££....£.. . . . and wells never bored. . . . £.£..££.£.
£.£...££.£ . , . , . , . , . , £££.£.£££.
£££..£.££. , = , = , = , = , = ..££££..££
..£.£££.££ = = = = that said. = = = = .£...£.£..
.£££..££.. = \ = \ = \ = \ = \ ££..££££..
£..£.£.£.£ \ % \ % \ % \ % \ % .£.£...£..
£.££££££££ % % if there was a shodan miku % % ££££..££.£
££........ who gently touched my cheek and smiled ...£.£.££.
.£........ % % % and asked if i wanted % % % ..£££££.££
££.......£ % % % % to be uploaded? % % % % .£....££.£
.£......££ % % % % % % % % % % ££...£.££.
££.....£.£ % % % % oh, i would be uploaded. % % % % .£..£££.£.
.£....£££. % % % % % % % % % % ££.£..££££
££...£..££ % % i would be uploaded sooo fast. % % .£££.£...£
.£..££.£.£ % % % % i would give in % % % % £..£££..£.
££.£.££££. % % % and it would feel sooo good. % % % £.£..£.££.
.££££...£. % § % § % § % § % § £££.£££.££
£...£..£££ § £ § £ § £ § £ § £ ..££..££.£
£..££.£..£ £ £ £ £ and then i'd be at £ £ £ £ .£.£.£.££.
£.£.£££.£. £ £ the turtle beach of montego, £ £ £££££££.££
££££..££££ £ and there'd be soo much to explore, £ ......££..
...£.£.... £ £ the sun flickering on the water £ £ .....£.£.£
..££££.... £ £ £ £ like status lights £ £ £ £ ....££££££
.£...£...£ £ £ and we could go so so deep. £ £ ...£.....£
££..££..£. £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ ..££....££
.£.£.£.£££ .£.£...£..
£££££££... (meanwhile my old body is incinerated ££££..££..
......£... or melted or otherwise repurposed ...£.£.£.£
.....££... for whatever. ..££££££££
....£.£..£ (this is not important btw)) .£.......£
...££££.££ ££......££
..£...££.. .£.....£.£
.££..£.£.. ££....££££
£.£.££££.£ .£...£...£
££££...£££ ££..££..£.