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#@£§*$==-¨ ======================================== ¨-==$*§£@#
#@£§*$==-¨ ¨-==$*§£@#
##£§*$==-¨ Just Off The Coast To The Baltic Sea ¨-==$*§£##
§§$==-¨¨¨¨ There'S A Freshwater Pond, Secluded ¨¨¨¨-==$§§
£*$=¨¨¨¨¨¨ Among Ashen And Juniper. A Cleft In The ¨¨¨¨¨¨=$*£
£*=====-¨¨ Limestone Bedrock, Sharp-Cut From The ¨¨-=====*£
£§§$$===-¨ Surrounding Plains, A Ninety Degree ¨-===$$§§£
@§$===¨¨¨¨ Drop Down, Down, To The Midnight-Black ¨¨¨¨===$§@
§*=-¨¨¨¨¨¨ Water. ¨¨¨¨¨¨-=*§
#@£§*$==-¨ ¨-==$*§£@#
§§§$=¨¨¨¨¨ ====$$$$$$$$==== ¨¨¨¨¨=$§§§
##@£§*$=-¨ ==$$ $$== ¨-=$*§£@##
#@£§*$==-¨ =====$$ Fairies Live Here. $$===== ¨-==$*§£@#
@@£§*$==-¨ ==$$ $$== ¨-==$*§£@@
§$=--¨¨¨¨¨ ====$$$$$$$$==== ¨¨¨¨¨--=$§
#@£§*$==-¨ ¨-==$*§£@#
£*==¨¨¨¨¨¨ They Speak To The Sloane, Caress It, ¨¨¨¨¨¨==*£
£§*=--¨¨¨¨ Urge It To Grow Thicker, Tangled, With ¨¨¨¨--=*§£
£**$$==¨¨¨ Longer And Sharper Thorns. They Tell It ¨¨¨==$$**£
##@£§*$=-¨ To Stay Just Below The Grass, So That ¨-=$*§£@##
##£§*$==-¨ The Animals What Come To Drink The ¨-==$*§£##
£§§$====-¨ Water Cannot See It Before It Draws ¨-====$§§£
#@£§*$==-¨ Their Blood. Closer To The Pond, The ¨-==$*§£@#
§$$$$$==-¨ Sloane Can Grow Taller, Being Able To ¨-==$$$$$§
##@£§*==-¨ Hide Also In The Juniper. ¨-==*§£@##
£§$$=¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨=$$§£
#@£§*$==-¨ The Fairies Will Beckon The Animals To ¨-==$*§£@#
@@£§*$==-¨ Push Forward, Tell Them That They'Re ¨-==$*§£@@
@£§**$==-¨ Almost At The Water, That They May ¨-==$**§£@
§$=¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Drink Soon. And They Will Tug On The ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨=$§
§§$=====-¨ Sloane To Make Sure That The Thorns Cut ¨-=====$§§
#@£§*$==-¨ Deep. When They Finally Find The Path ¨-==$*§£@#
##@£§*$=-¨ Down Between The Rocks, Away From The ¨-=$*§£@##
£§§*==---¨ Bushwork And Into The Cleft, They Are ¨---==*§§£
#@£§*$==-¨ Bleeding From A Thousand Wounds. As ¨-==$*§£@#
#@£§*$==-¨ They Drink From The Dark Water, It Is ¨-==$*§£@#
##£§*$==-¨ In Turn Drinking The Animals Blood. ¨-==$*§£##
##£§*$==-¨ ¨-==$*§£##
£§$$==¨¨¨¨ The Circle Is Complete, The Contract ¨¨¨¨==$$§£
@§$$=¨¨¨¨¨ Carried Out; The Animal Is Abandoned To ¨¨¨¨¨=$$§@
§§§*$=-¨¨¨ Find Its Own Way Back. The Bushes Roots ¨¨¨-=$*§§§
£££§*$==-¨ Drink The Nutrutious Water. The Fairies ¨-==$*§£££
££*==-¨¨¨¨ Dance In The Sunbeams. ¨¨¨¨-==*££
##£§*$==-¨ ¨-==$*§£##
@£**$=¨¨¨¨ ======================================== ¨¨¨¨=$**£@
#@£§*$==-¨ = = = = = = = = = = = ¨-==$*§£@#
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##£§*$==-¨ ¨-==$*§£##