,,..¨,¨¨¨, ,¨¨¨,¨..,,
,,,.,...¨¨ ¨¨...,.,,,
,¨.,¨¨,¨,, ,,¨,¨¨,.¨,
,¨¨,..,¨¨. .¨¨,..,¨¨,
¨¨¨,.,,.¨, ,¨.,,.,¨¨¨
¨,.,,¨.¨.¨ #@»~=~=-~»-:-^~.,¨¨¨¨,,..,::-=~«~~-»«=$# ¨.¨.¨,,.,¨
¨...¨¨¨.¨- £ HANDCUFFS ¤ -¨.¨¨¨...¨
,¨.¨.,.,,= #$--~=~~~«--.-,,¨,¨.,,¨,.--.:-««~~-«~~£# =,,.,.¨.¨,
,,¨,...,~\ \~,...,¨,,
,,.¨,.,«== shoplifters know aldi alarm tags only ==«,.,¨.,,
,,¨,,:=^=£ trigger aldi alarms*. shoplifters also £=^=:,,¨,,
.,,.,~*%§@ know that void mart alarm tags only @§%*~,.,,.
¨,¨~-/*#@@ trigger void mart alarms. @@#*/-~¨,¨
.¨~-;*¤@## ##@¤*;-~¨.
,,«\%£#### however, if you get caught handcuffs ####£%\«,,
..,~^^¤### can be put on you as a punishment by ###¤^^~,..
¨¨,^»;*£## police, and you are to wear them ##£*;»^,¨¨
¨..,-»;^&@ indefenitely forever @&^;»-,..¨
,¨.,.^~;$¤ ¤$;~^.,.¨,
......^=;* . . . *;=^......
.......^=; . . . . . . ;=^.......
........^= . . And They Will Trigger All Alarms . . =^........
.........^ . . . . . . ^.........
.......... . . . ..........
¨,,¨,.¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨.,¨,,¨
¨,¨,¨¨,¨¨, while this is distressing at first and ,¨¨,¨¨,¨,¨
,.¨¨,.¨.¨¨ can certainly lead to anxiousness, most ¨¨.¨.,¨¨.,
¨¨.¨..¨¨,. store workers are sympathetic and will .,¨¨..¨.¨¨
¨.¨.¨,,,,- let you go if you ask them. -,,,,¨.¨.¨
....,¨,.,» »,.,¨,....
¨.......-= =-.......¨
,.¨¨,,,«:† †:«,,,¨¨.,
.,,,¨.~:^# #^:~.¨,,,.
.,..-«\$&@ @&$\«-..,.
* probably not true, idk