,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,,^^^===%# #%===^^^,,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#### ####£%;=^,
,^=;%£££#¶ ¶#£££%;=^,
,^^^=;£#¶# the honey is a condensation of a thick #¶#£;=^^^,
,^=;%£#¶## liquid, inherent to all mazes. ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#### ####£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶¶¶ ######################################## ¶¶¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;;%%%## ##%%%;;=^,
,^=;%£#¶¶# mainly collected by the lizardfolk of #¶¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## the kirugu vargir desert, in the ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## underlying tunnels. it's use and ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## possession is illegal within the city. ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£¶### ###¶£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,,^^;;%%£¶ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¶£%%;;^^,,
,^=;%£#### ^ properties ^ ####£%;=^,
,,,,,,^=%# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #%=^,,,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,^;%£#¶### the honey is a reddish amber, very ###¶#£%;^,
,,,^;;;£## viscous (but still pourable). it smells ##£;;;^,,,
,^=;%£#¶## slightly of eucalyptus, and has a ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## mostly bitter taste. ##¶#£%;=^,
,,^====;£¶ ¶£;====^,,
,^=;%£#### it's highly addictive, and possess ####£%;=^,
,^^^==%£¶¶ strong psychotropic effects. ¶¶£%==^^^,
,^=;%££### ###££%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,,,=%%# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #%%=,,,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ^ collection ^ ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,^;%£¶¶ ¶¶£%;^,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## the honey materializes in vaccuums ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## within any labyrinthine space. the more ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;;;;£#¶ folded and ambiguous, the faster it ¶#£;;;;=^,
,,,,=%££#¶ emerges. the cavernous systems under ¶#££%=,,,,
,,,,,^=%## the desert of kirugu serves this ##%=^,,,,,
,,,,,==%## purpose very well - the lizards use ##%==,,,,,
,^=;%£##¶¶ pumps to empty small boxes or jars of ¶¶##£%;=^,
,,,^;;%£## air, which then are left overnight and ##£%;;^,,,
,^=;%£#### harvested the next day. ####£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,^=;%%#¶ most spaces are somewhat mazelike, and ¶#%%;=^,,,
,,,,,,=;£¶ it's not uncommon for lizards in kirugu ¶£;=,,,,,,
,,,^===;£¶ veszelle city to keep a few jars (often ¶£;===^,,,
,,,,,,^;£# hanged from the ceiling in metal crowns #£;^,,,,,,
,,,,,,^=%# made for this purpose). however, these #%=^,,,,,,
,^===;;£¶# may take weeks to fill. #¶£;;===^,
,,,,==;££¶ ¶££;==,,,,
,,,,,,=;£¶ ¶£;=,,,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#### ^ as a drug ^ ####£%;=^,
,^=;%#¶### ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ###¶#%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,^^;£¶# , one spoon , #¶£;^^,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ,,,,, ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,=;;£## the drug is used by the lizards in ##£;;=,,,,
,^=;%£££## these small (but often continuous) ##£££%;=^,
,,,,,^;£¶# doses. this heightens the senses #¶£;^,,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## somewhat but at the cost of a lessened ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ability to multi-task - context ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£££#¶ switching might take longer and be more ¶#£££%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## confusing. ##¶#£%;=^,
,,^===%%## ##%%===^,,
,,,,,^;;%# #%;;^,,,,,
,^=;%££##¶ , four spoons , ¶##££%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ,,,,, ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,==%#¶¶ multitasking becomes very hard (the ¶¶#%==,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## thought does not occur). senses more ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## acute but "unimportant" (ignored). ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,^=%%## inner perceptions take the upper hand, ##%%=^,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## abstraction and memory faculties are ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,,,^;£¶ sharpened severely. slight telepathy ¶£;^,,,,,,
,^=;%£##¶# (mostly moods) with other honey eaters. #¶##£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## sense of thirst dissappears. still easy ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## to move around the body (if so ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## inclined). ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,=;%£#¶# #¶#£%;=,,,
,^=;%£¶### ###¶£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## , seven spoons , ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ,,,,, ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,,^;%## the honey eater becomes unresponsive to ##%;^,,,,,
,^=;%£££¶# normal stimuli, but able to override #¶£££%;=^,
,,,,^;;%#¶ their own senses with dreamlike ¶#%;;^,,,,
,,,,==%£## imagery. sharing of thoughts with other ##£%==,,,,
,^=;%££££¶ eaters, mood reading of those who stay ¶££££%;=^,
,^=;%£##¶# sober (worth noting that the thoughts #¶##£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## are very fragmented and hard to ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## decipher, unless you are at a similar ##¶#£%;=^,
,^==;%££## level of spoons). at this point the ##££%;==^,
,,,,,^=%#¶ body is hard to move, and starts losing ¶#%=^,,,,,
,,,=;%££## water. ##££%;=,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,,=;£¶¶ , nine spoons and above , ¶¶£;=,,,,,
,^==;%%£¶# ,,,,, #¶£%%;==^,
,,,,,=%%£# overdose. body losing water quickly, #£%%=,,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## and is completely unable to move. there ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#### is intermittent thought sharing with ####£%;=^,
,,,,,=%##¶ sober persons (although ¶##%=,,,,,
,,,,==%£## unintelligible). memeories are sharded ##£%==,,,,
,,,,,^;£¶¶ or not formed. ¶¶£;^,,,,,
,^=;%£#### ####£%;=^,
,,,^;;£### ###£;;^,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ^^^^^^^^^^^ ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶¶¶ ^ dangers ^ ¶¶¶#£%;=^,
,^=;£#¶### ^^^^^^^^^^^ ###¶#£;=^,
,^=;%£#¶¶# #¶¶#£%;=^,
,,,,^;;%## most deaths are due to loss of water - ##%;;^,,,,
,^=;%£#### thirst is one of the last senses to ####£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## restable after coming down, often gone ##¶#£%;=^,
,^====%£## for up to twenty four hours. at higher ##£%====^,
,^=;%£#¶## doses it's hard to move, even if you ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## would remember drinking (which is also ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%%£££¶ made harder by the attention focusing ¶£££%%;=^,
,,,,,,=%## properties of the honey). ##%=,,,,,,
,^=;;;££¶¶ ¶¶££;;;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## people are known to suffer injuries ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶¶¶ from being still in unfavourable ¶¶¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## climates for too long, sometimes to the ##¶#£%;=^,
,^^^^^;%## point of death. another danger is ##%;^^^^^,
,,,^^^==%# actually locomotion of the body... #%==^^^,,,
,^=;%£#¶## walking around is still somewhat ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## possible after losing sight, which have ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## lead to seveal falls. additionally, ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## robberies of the intoxicated are common. ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;%££#¶# #¶#££%;=^,
,,,^^;£### lastly, albeit very rare, it's possible ###£;^^,,,
,^^^=;%%%# to die of pure overdose (on the scale #%%%;=^^^,
,,,,=;;££# of jars of honey) before being killed #££;;=,,,,
,^=;%£#### by thirst. there are rumors that this ####£%;=^,
,^=;%£#¶## leaves "ghosts", who will still share ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,^^;%%£¶ their thoughts long after their bodies ¶£%%;^^,,,
,^=;%£#¶## are dead and gone. ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,^;;%%£# #£%%;;^,,,
,,,,^^^;£¶ ¶£;^^^,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,,,,=;;£## ##£;;=,,,,
,^=;%£#¶## ##¶#£%;=^,
,^=;;;%£## ##£%;;;=^,