...-«==*## ##*==«-...
¨¨,~*$$@@# #@@$$*~,¨¨
¨,-:%$@### ###@$%:-,¨
..:-=$@@@# #@@@$=-:..
¨¨¨~-/^*## ##*^/-~¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨^-†=$@ . ~ « * ; » : ¨ @$=†-^¨¨¨¨
.,.¨¨:=/%¤ , - - ^ / = , ¨ ¤%/=:¨¨.,.
,¨,.~»;^%# . . ~ ^ * ~ , . #%^;»~.,¨,
,.,~-*^$#@ , , » = / ~ ^ . @#$^*-~,.,
¨.-~*%¤£## ##£¤%*~-.¨
.--:%*¶### as we cross the mountain, we can walk ###¶*%:--.
.,.~;*£### only at night. long ago, someone here ###£*;~.,.
,,¨^«^*@@# must've angered the sun, and today it #@@*^«^¨,,
.¨.¨,~:%§£ still burns us strangely. but with the £§%:~,¨.¨.
.¨,..,»\$$ sunset the air comes raining back down $$\»,..,¨.
,¨.¨,~*=¤@ and gets thick enough to breathe. it @¤=*~,¨.¨,
,..:-:†$#@ carries with it smells from far away, @#$†:-:..,
¨,:~:%&@@# colourful sparks for the imagination, a #@@&%:~:,¨
.,»**$#### sharp contrast for the stale black of ####$**»,.
¨¨-==*$### the night. ###$*==-¨¨
.¨¨,«:%@¶@ @¶@%:«,¨¨.
.¨,¨^~:%$£ the others think i'm young, they don't £$%:~^¨,¨.
.,,¨,-»^^$ take me seriously and i fear they $^^»-,¨,,.
,,,¨-~=*$# snicker a bit. you usually get old #$*=~-¨,,,
.¨.,~:%£@@ before you learn the trade enough to @@£%:~,.¨.
,.,~^%£¶@# take other people. but i do lead them #@¶£%^~,.,
¨.«*^$#### safely forward, every night. ####$^*«.¨
..~~\%%@@# #@@%%\~~..
,,,~~=%£#@ however, currently there seems to be @#£%=~~,,,
¨¨,.:~:†*# something going on ahead. those around #*†:~:.,¨¨
¨.,..:~/†$ the corner have stopped, shouting, $†/~:..,.¨
,,..^«\%%@ pointing. @%%\«^..,,
,¨,,«==¤¶# #¶¤==«,,¨,
,¨~»^=¤### ,¨. .¨ ,~*~, ¨, .., ###¤=^»~¨,
.,~\=$¶### ... .. .~=-. ¨. .., ###¶$=\~,.
¨,--;%¤¶## .¨¨ .¨ .~/«¨ ¨¨ ,¨. ##¶¤%;--,¨
,.,~~=*%£# ,¨, .. ,~:~¨ ,, ,.¨ #£%*=~~,.,
.,,¨:»^$%¶ .¨. ,. .»/~, .. ¨,, ¶%$^»:¨,,.
¨¨¨.,:»^=$ ¨,, ¨. .-\~. ¨¨ .¨. $=^»:,.¨¨¨
,¨.,-»^§§@ .¨, ¨. ¨=:=. ,. ¨,. @§§^»-,.¨,
¨,,^~:$%@# ¨¨¨ ,¨ ,~/-. .¨ ¨¨¨ #@%$:~^,,¨
.,:»;**£@# #@£**;»:,.
¨,-:*§#@## my greatest treasure, the ##@#§*:-,¨
,,^»/%@### book of stars, is a combined map, ###@%/»^,,
,...-==£#@ calendar and timepiece as long as you @#£==-...,
....-»\%¤@ know what year it is. every page is a @¤%\»-....
..,¨¨,=/$* grid of nine starfields, hand drawn, *$/=,¨¨,..
.¨¨¨~-:†$@ below which are written coordinates in @$†:-~¨¨¨.
..,.~\^$@# both space and time. a lot of it is #@$^\~.,..
,¨,~/%*@@# applicable on earth, but not all. it #@@*%/~,¨,
¨:~=%£#### hints of other places - some stars ####£%=~:¨
¨..~:$$£## reordered, some names i have never ##£$$:~..¨
,.¨,=;†£@# heard. sometimes the dates are #@£†;=,¨.,
.,¨.,»^%*# impossible. #*%^»,.¨,.
¨...¨,«/†¤ ¤†/«,¨...¨
,...^~=*&@ those pages are exactly what i scramble @&*=~^...,
,¨.^-†%$## for right now. i've stopped breathing. ##$%†-^.¨,
.,.«:%$£## i sling open the book of stars a bit ##£$%:«.,.
,,-=%$¶### too quick, spilling all my notes on the ###¶$%=-,,
.,-~/^*@## ground. one lands on my foot, it is a ##@*^/~-,.
¨¨,,=\%£@@ drawing of a muscle cow, but i could @@£%\=,,¨¨
¨,¨,:=/=*£ care less right now. £*=/=:,¨,¨
..¨¨.:~;%¤ ¤%;~:.¨¨..
,,¨.^=/%£@ for it seems like there's a new moon in @£%/=^.¨,,
¨.¨,~*^¤#@ the sky. @#¤^*~,¨.¨
¨.-~*%¤@## ##@¤%*~-.¨
¨:~†$£@### ###@£$†~:¨
,.,=^%§### ###§%^=,.,
..,^-=†%@@ @@%†=-^,..
.¨,¨,~;$%@ @%$;~,¨,¨.
,.,¨,,~:*§ §*:~,,¨,.,