££¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨££¨¨¨¨£
£¨¨£££££££ ££¨¨¨¨££¨¨
¨¨¨¨££££££ £¨¨££¨¨¨¨¨
£££¨¨£££££ ¨¨¨¨¨¨££££
££¨¨¨¨££££ ¨££££¨¨£££
£¨¨££¨¨£££ list of vanished artifacts ¨¨££¨¨¨¨££
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨££ ¨¨¨¨¨££¨¨£
,¤§#¤&§¨,£ .,¨,..,.,¨.¨.,.,.¨.¨¨,.,..,,.,.,¨.¨¨.¨¨, &&¤£.,.¨¨¨
.¨&£&£¨¨,, .¨.,..¨¨,,,,,¨¨,..,¨¨.,¨¨¨¨¨...,¨.¨¨.,., ££&,,&&&¤@
..,@£.¨#&, .,.¨, list of vanished artifacts ,..,. @¤.¨,,#@§,
@¤¨¨..,,¨¨ ¨.,,¨.,,,,,.¨¨¨¨.¨,¨,,.¨.,¨,..,¨..,,,¨,¨ &¨,@¤,,§.¨
,,.§¤¤§&@# ¨¨,¨¨,¨¨.,¨¨.,,¨¨,¨¨¨...,¨¨,¨,,.¨.,,,¨¨, .,¨¨,¨¨¨,,
¤§.,§&£@@¤ ¤§£££¤#§@#
&¨¨¨.&¤@£, ~~»»=~«~~»~~~~~~~»-»=--===~~-«= §£@&§@##
.¨@¤¨,&§., » things i've bought in shops ~ ¨§&@@¤§¤¤£
.¨¨,....¨& ~-«~~=«»-«~«-~»~«»~»»-=-»«~»«»» .¨&£#£&&&.
&£#¤§£¤@.¨ &¨¨#&££§,¨
¨£¤£¤¨,, teal tape player with too many buttons ¨,¨.£&£,,¨
,¨@§¨.#§ .#¤¨,&¨.&£
¨.¨##¨,¨., a crate of used ibm floppy disks - a .,¨,¨.....
¨,..@£&@ cent for the whole thing &@§@£&££¤&
@,,¤#..@@. §§§&&@§#¤@
,,..¨¨¨,.. brand new floppy disks in aluminum or .£@&£§##§¤
¨#&@£¤¤§&£ clear plastic ¨,¤&§&@§&.
¨¨£#§£@§#§ &¨.@&&£§¨¨
£,,#£§£££¨ ikea/te frekvens microphones ¨.,¨&§&,¨£
¨,¨¨@¤£&¨, .@&¨,¤.¨.,
£§£,,@£¨¨, ny fatcap ¨.¨,¨¨.£&¤
@§,¨.¨¨¨&¤ ¨&#§.,#¤
&,.¤&&@..£ multilevel fold-out copper/glass mirror ..&£@,,¨.&
¨.¨,#&¨¨¨. (could reflect sunlight even without a &.,#¨¨#£¨.
££&,.,,¤§, line of sight to the sun) ,,,¨.¨¨¨¨&
¤¤,.#£.,¨. @@¤§&@¤§¨¨
¨,¨¨.¨.@#, two super long grundig dictaphones in &§@@¤&£¨¨.
@§£§§@..,, purple/pink gold colours §£¤#¤@,.##
££@£¤¨,§¤§ @§£§&..,¨§
&¤£¤¨¨¨.§§ pebble-sized coins with £¤#§..&@,,
¨§¤,,##¨.# playstation symbols §##.¨,,.,.
¨,.,,¨.,,. &£.¨@&¤¤§&
,¤@@@£@. collection of two centimeter high amber §,.,,§#,
¨.¤&@&&§.. figurines of various creatures and ,,££.,£&.¨
¤¨.£§&£,¨# characters ¨,,¨,,..¨§
,,¨.##¨¨¨. &¤£&§#&¤.¨
#@&¨¨.¨#&£ ,&§..@
#&¨¨¤£,.#£ ¨¨§£§@..,.
¨¨.,¨,.,¨. ==-~~=»---=~=--»~»«««=~-~~» ¨..&@.¨&&.
§&&@&§&£@¤ = things i've been gifted = ¤#¨,.,¨,,.
,¤¤§£§¤£&¨ ««=~«-»=~««---»-=~~=«=-«==~ #..@¤£&@¤.
,.§§@&&§.¨ ,,¨¨££@@¨.
£.¨#@&¤.,£ a computer (looked like a gen three ,£&..£&,,#
¨¨..¤#..¨, imac) filled with blueprints for planes ,¨¨¨,...¨.
&@£,¨,.@£§ and sleek spaceships §£@¤¤¤##¤£
£&,¨££,¨¤¤ £§§@¤&¤¤
&..,,¨¨,.§ six by three cm glittery furry sticker .¤¤¤¤¤¤¤@&
.¨§@@£§¤,. (grinning purple wolf on yellow-green ,.@&£@§@¤@
,,.@§##,,@ leaves) ¤..#@£§@§,
£#,,££.¨.. .¨¨¨¤#§¤,,
¨..,,..§&. tiny metal dragon/horse figurine .#&..&¤..,
§§@@@#,,¨, ¨.,¨,..¨&£
###¤§.¨@£§ old instant camera with three ¨¤@####¨,&
@@#§.¨,,@¤ dimensional focusing joystick ,,@&@§¨¨¨,
.£&,,§§,,£ @,¨§#.,£@,
¨,¨.,..,¨, photographs of my teeth and tongue, .,,,,¨¨,,.
@££§@&§£&£ taken from inside my mouth &@&£&¤¤£
@@@¤#@¤@¤£ @&£§##&£
£&@£¤¤&£¤¤ monster truck-sized regular car with a §@§§&£§@#£
@&@&¤¤&§&& minimum speed of forty kmh £¤¤§&&&§
&£@#¤¤¤£#§ §£££§@£##&
#£#¤#¤§&§¤ £§¤¤&@¤¤##
§¤@¤§#§##§ ¤¤¤@§@#¤
§£§&¤£@@@§ «~-~-»-~«»«-~~~~-»-~=~~ £¤£¤@£#@#&
§#£¤@¤¤£&£ - stolen/found things » ¤@§§#@£#§¤
£&&£@§§§ ««=»~«-=~~«~«~~~----«-= ¤&§@£§@§¤&
£#&@@§¤#£# £¤@§&£@&@&
#&£¤¤#§£ strange and very large flash card &£#@§§&¤@@
&££##&§¤ £&@&&@§¤
¤§#£#§££ cassette tape tagged with blue ink &£&@&§&§#£
¤#£&¤§@£#& §#¤#@&@§£@
&¤#¤@&&£#& sticker sheet (tiny foxes doing various £##¤@@@@£¤
&@&&£#¤@¤£ facial expressions) ##@¤#£##£¤
£#£¤@&@#§& ¤&¤@@&¤§§@
§#£¤&&@¤£§ lots of toothpick-sized drippy pens ¤¤£@&@@¤££
§&@##§£§&§ with fluorescent neon ink £§@@@@#&
#@¤£#§&£¤& &@&¤@&@£
#§&¤§£@@£& mirror that shows you post-transition #§###¤¤#
£#&¤&£#@ ####&&£&§#
¤&&££¤¤£§& ¤&£&@&§@£&
§§@#§#£@ &@¤&@#@£
¤¤#¤##&@#@ @@£@£#¤¤##
@¤@¤&£@&££ #¤#¤&¤§@§&