.-«\\%%%#¶ ¶#%%%\\«-.
.-«\%£#### ####£%\«-.
..-««%%#¶¶ ¶¶#%%««-..
.-«\%£#¶## ##¶#£%\«-.
......-\%# #%\-......
.-«\%£#¶## ##################### ##¶#£%\«-.
......«\%# # Siren'S Vine. # #%\«......
.-«%£#¶### ##################### ###¶#£%«-.
......«%#¶ ¶#%«......
.-«\%£#### For Thousands Of Years Known Only To ####£%\«-.
.-«««%%### "Witches", By Which I Mean Various ###%%«««-.
.-«\%£#¶## Cunning Swamp Dwellers ################# ##¶#£%\«-.
.-«\%£#¶## ######################## Amphibian # ##¶#£%\«-.
.-«\%£#¶## # Lizards, Humanoid Frogs, Girls, # ##¶#£%\«-.
.-«\%£#¶## # Actual Witches, And Lots Of Insects # ##¶#£%\«-.
......«%## # And Other Such Gnats ################# ##%«......
.....--\£¶ ######################## That Did Or Did ¶£\--.....
.....«\\£¶ Not Use It (Some Would Even Cultivate ¶£\\«.....
.-«\%£#¶¶¶ It For Use In Hunting) Or Maybe Would ¶¶¶#£%\«-.
.-«\%£#¶## Just Avoid It Altogether. The Dark ##¶#£%\«-.
....-«%### Sprawl Underneath Shallow Waters. Watch ###%«-....
.-«\%£#¶¶¶ The Gnarly Roots Of The Cedar Trees, ¶¶¶#£%\«-.
...-\\\%## Are They Left Alone (With Moss ##%\\\-...
.-«\%£#¶## Companion)? Or Is There Something ##¶#£%\«-.
..-«\\£££¶ Slithering Across It? ################## ¶£££\\«-..
.-«\%£#¶## ####################### The Plant # ##¶#£%\«-.
.-«\%£###¶ # Likes Mutilation; It'S Agressive; # ¶###£%\«-.
.-«\%£#¶## # It Moves Quickly Toward The Mouth, # ##¶#£%\«-.
....«\\£#¶ # Throat And Ultimately, The Vocal # ¶#£\\«....
.....«\%#¶ # Cords, Which It Will Fill With Seeds # ¶#%\«.....
.-«\%£#¶## # And As Such Destroy Completely # ##¶#£%\«-.
.-«\%£#¶## ######################################## ##¶#£%\«-.
......«%## ##%«......
.-«\%£#¶## ##¶#£%\«-.
.--«\\£#¶¶ ¶¶#£\\«--.
..--«%%##¶ ¶##%%«--..
..---\%#¶¶ ¶¶#%\---..