@,@,@@@@,, @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,,@@@,@ @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ £@#,,,,, ^#^ ,,,,,#@£ @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ Silverfinger Weed @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ £@#,,,,, ^#^ ,,,,,#@£ @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ This Flower Has Five Petals, One For @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ Each Traditional Sense (Hearing, Touch, @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ Vision, Smelling, Tasting). @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ Because You Can'T Know Which Is Which, @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ You Mostly Eat The Whole Plant @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ And Ignore The Senses You'Re Not @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ Interested In. @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ The Flower Itself Is Small And Yellow @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ And Looks Kinda Inconsequential. @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ However, It Has Silvery Hairs... @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ @,@,@@,@,,
@,@,@,@@,@ @,@,,@,@,@
@,@,@,,@,@ @,@,@@,@,,