@££%%%/=^, ,^=/%%%££@
£££%%%/=^, ,^=/%%%£££
#@££%%/=^, ,^=/%%££@#
@££%/^,,,, ,,,,^/%££@
#@££%%/=^, ,^=/%%££@#
@£%%/^,,,, squinky= squinky= squinky= squinky= ,,,,^/%%£@
£%/=^^^,,, inky= squinky= squinky= squinky= squ ,,,^^^=/%£
£%%%%===^, y= squinky= squinky= squinky= squink ,^===%%%%£
££%//^,,,, squinky= squinky= squinky= squinky= ,,,,^//%££
@£%/=,,,,, inky= squinky= squinky= squinky= squ ,,,,,=/%£@
##@££%/=^, y= squinky= squinky= squinky= squink ,^=/%££@##
£%/^,,,,,, ,,,,,,^/%£
££££%%/=^, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,^=/%%££££
£%%=,,,,,, ,,,,,,=%%£
#@££%%/=^, % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ,^=/%%££@#
@@££%%/=^, % squinky [squinkies] % ,^=/%%££@@
##@£%%/=^, % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % ,^=/%%£@##
##@£%%/=^, ,^=/%%£@##
#@££%%/=^, %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,^=/%%££@#
£%/^,,,,,, ,,,,,,^/%£
##@£%%/=^, "squinky" is the colloquial name for a ,^=/%%£@##
#@££%%/=^, plant whose cones are genetically ,^=/%%££@#
@@££%%/=^, engineered to produce a nutritious sap. ,^=/%%££@@
££££%%/=^, the sap is often released when the cone ,^=/%%££££
££££%%/=^, is squeezed, although some are instead ,^=/%%££££
#@££%%/=^, made to produce a continuous volume ,^=/%%££@#
#@££%%/=^, (these are less suited for outdoor use). ,^=/%%££@#
££££%%/=^, ,^=/%%££££
£%%%=^^^,, while mainly used for human sustenance, ,,^^^=%%%£
#@££%%/=^, squinkies are sometimes also made to ,^=/%%££@#
#@££%%/=^, have medecinal use (mostly as ,^=/%%££@#
££££%%/=^, pain relief), or offering chemical ,^=/%%££££
£%////^,,, properties such as lubrication. ,,,^////%£
£%/^^,,,,, additionaly, theyre used in the making ,,,,,^^/%£
#@££%%/=^, of perfumes for their creatural smells. ,^=/%%££@#
££%%/^,,,, ,,,,^/%%££
#@££%%/=^, ,^=/%%££@#
@£%%%%/=^, ,^=/%%%%£@
£%%=,,,,,, ,,,,,,=%%£
@@££%%/=^, ,^=/%%££@@