......£..£ ........£.
£££££..... £££££££...
.£££..££££ ££££££..£.
..£....£££ £££££.....
£...££..£. ££££..££££
..£....... «« A Looming Green Blimp «« £££....£££
....££££££ ««« A Hovering Swamp ««« .£..££..£.
£££..£££££ The ..........
.£....£££. .££££££££.
...££..£.. £§ == ««« ««« == £§ ..££££££..
££........ « « « « Floating Tree « « « « ...££££..£
£..£££££££ £§ == ««« ««« == £§ ££..££....
....£££££. £......££.
£££..£££.. Home Planet ..££££....
.£....£..£ Of ...££..££.
...££..... The Bird elves ££........
££....££££ ...£££££££
£..££..£££ «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« ££..££££££
........££ .....£££££
.££££££..£ A Great Fluffy Silhouette Against The ££££..£££.
..££££.... Orange Sunrise. It'S The Floating tree, £££....£..
£..££..£££ Suspended Over The Forests Of Venezuela. ££..££...£
........£. .......£..
£££££££... Something Swarming Around It - Bird ££££££...£
££££££..£. Elves. They Like The Landbridgelessness. £££££..£..
.££££..... This Shit Is Unconnected. ££££......
..££..££££ £££..£££££
.......£££ It'S The Mothership - The Elves Launch ££....£££.
££££££..££ From Here, The RatsonaS Spawn Here (In ...££..£..
.££££....£ Seclusion), Most Orange Juice Is Made ££........
..££..££.. Here ...£££££££
.......... ££..£££££.
££££££££££ «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««« £....£££..
.£££££££££ ..££..£...
..££££££££ Half Of The Leaves Are £.......££
...£££££££ Astral projectionS... Vines Growing ..£££££...
££..£££££. Wildly, Untethered By The Wind... ...£££..££
£....£££.. Dreamroot Poisoning The Air (Of Course ££..£....£
..££..£... The Non-Elf Inhabitants Are Waned « An ......££..
£.......££ Addiction They Will Never Beat « Or In £££££....£
..£££££... Rare Cases Immune) .£££..££..
£..£££..££ ..£......£
....£....£ £...££££..
£££...££.. ..£..££..£
££..£..... ..........
......££££ £££££££££.