.@@..@.... .@@@@@.@..
@.@.@@.... @.@@@@.@..
@.@..@...@ @..@@@.@.@
@.@.@@..@@ @.@.@@.@..
@.@..@.@.@ @.@..@.@.@
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ , , ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ ^ ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ †† †† ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ †«« two ways of being lost. ««† ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ †††«««««««««««««««««««««««††† ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^««« lost: ,«««†«««, lost:^««^^ ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ ^not knowing where ^ forlorn, unfit ^ ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ you are, unable ^ for some purpose,^ ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ ^^ to backtrack, ^ unredeemable, «^ ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ on willowed ways «†« and strange. « ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ †††««««««««««««««««««««««««««««††††† ^ ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ we're coming up on the last night «^ ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ ^in teh forest dome... i am relocating ^ ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ^ closer to the work mill... , ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ , , ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ i don't trust the shamans operating , ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ the digiflesh tranference network... my ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ bike is not allowed in the tunnels in ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ from the forest dome (smuggling ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ charges)... it's too far to go by ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ foot... ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ so an urban dome it is... for me... ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ not a prosperous one, not an important ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ one (for several decades at least), but ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ a rough and somewhat peculiar ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ collection of abandoned housing ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤ projects. and the likewise abandoned , ¤,¤,,¤,¤,¤
¤,¤,¤¤,¤,¤ attempts to unify it with ¤,¤,¤¤,¤,,
@,¤,,¤.@¨¤ . the rest of the domes. ¨. #.£¨.§.£¨§
&,§,&§.¤.@ ,,. ¨ ~~~.. §,§¨¤¤.#.¨
#.#,.§¨¤¨¤ .~« yah... last night... --: ¤.§¨,@¨@¨§
#¨&.§@.@.@ .-~ sleep well, forest dome. ~:¨ ¤¨£,¤#¨#¨¨
¤,¤,¨&,£.@ ^.^~,=«~~-»~~-«=-~««=.:,~.,^ §¨£.¨£,&¨#
@¨£.@#,@¨@ @¨£¨£&,¤..
¤¨¤¨,¤.§.£ §.£¨¨#,&.¤
£¨£.&&¨@.# ..,,,¨,,¨.,.¨,. £¨&¨&£,#¨,
@¨&..@,&,@ ¨ inarizushi... .,¨¨.¨,¨, £¨§.,&.§¨&
§¨£.¤§¨¤,@ .,¨,¨¨ fox ear sushi... ¨ ¤¨§.#@.&,,
@.@¨,£,§,£ ..¨¨,.¨¨¨¨.,..¨... @¨@¨.#,#¨@
&¨§¨¤¤.£,£ ¤¨§¨&£.¤¨.
@.@,,&.#.¤ #,§¨,&.@.@
§¨£.£¤¨@¨@ ¨,¨,,.¨..,¨¨.,¨¨ ¤,£.¨£¨,
#.£¨,§,@.§ ¨ whisker job... . @¨@,¨¤¨#.@
¤¨¤,¤#,&,§ .,¨,,...¨,¨.¨¨¨, @.@,§#¨¤.,
&,¤,¨£¨£.£ &.&,,#.#¨£
&,£,§§¨§.& §.¤.#£¨¤,.
§¨¤,,£.£.¤ §¨&¨¨¤.¤¨&
£,&¨@@.@.£ ¤.£¨¤@.#¨.
¤¨¤..&.§.§ #.#,.¤.¤¨@
@¨&.&§.#,# ¨.¨,,.,¨¨,,.,,,.¨....¨ @,£.¤§.¤.,
¤,@.¨#,¤.# ¨ eating glowsticks... . §¨#¨.#.¤.£
¤.#.§¤.£,£ ¨¨..¨¨..,¨.¨.¨.¨¨,,¨.. @,#,@@,§,.
£.¤,,¤¨£¨# &¨¤,¨@¨¤,§
#.§¨§§.@¨@ #.@.¤&.#,¨
£¨§.,&.£.& £¨§.¨#¨£.¤
@,&¨&¤.&,@ #,#¨@¤,¤.¨
£¨£,¨&¨@¨# @,#¨¨¤¨@,@
#,§¨@¤,£.@ @.&,#§.#.,
&,¤,,#¨£¨£ ¤.&.¨@¨¤,#
§.#¨§#¨§,# ¨.,¨.,.¨.¨¨.,,,,.,,..¨¨,,¨ ¤,@.@@,@¨.
§¨¤¨¨@,¤.& , dissolving the belly ... . £.@¨.@.#,§
&¨#¨.&.¤ ¨,.¨ dissolving the skin , §,£.&&,@,¨
#.§,.£.¤,# .,¨¨ ..¨,.¨ §,#.¨§,&.§
@.#.&&,§,@ ¨, phosphorous entrails . @.&,¤§¨&,.
§.§.,§.¤¨& . flowing out onto ¨.¨,,. §¨#¨,§.¤.#
§¨§.#§,¤,@ ,, the asphalt ,.. #¨¤.£§.&..
§,@¨¨£,¤,& ,¨.¨,¨.¨.,.,, §.@,.&,@,@
¤.#,§£.@.# §¨@.£¤¨&.,
#¨§.,&,#¨@ #¨¤¨¨¤¨£,@
§.£,£¤¨&.& #¨#¨££¨¤¨.
§,§.,@¨¤.# #,§.,&.¤¨&
£.§¨¤£,&.§ £¨&,@@¨§,,