.&&&&&.... &..&.&&.&.
.&....&... &&.&&&.&&&
&&&...&&.. &.&&..&&..
&..&..&.&. &&&.&.&.&.
&&.&&.&&&& &..&&&&&&&
..&&.&&... . . . . . . . . &&.&......
..&.&&.&.. . %%^^%% . . %%^^%% . ..&&&.....
..&&&.&&&. . %%»»&&»»%% . the . %%»»&&»»%% . ..&..&....
..&..&&..& ^»»&#&&»»^ % % ^»»&#&&»»^ ..&&.&&...
..&&.&.&.& . %%»»&&»»%% .%% shower %%. %%»»&&»»%% . &.&.&&.&..
..&.&&&&&& %. %%^^%% .%% %%. %%^^%% .% .&&&&.&&&.
..&&&..... # . . . . . . . . # .&...&&..&
&.&..&.... % deep below % &&&..&.&.&
.&&&.&&... ground level, several elevators down, &..&.&&&&&
&&..&&.&.. in the dark water where the surface .&.&&&....
&.&.&.&&&. light doesn't reach, and warmth comes &&&&..&...
&&&&&&&..& mostly from below - here is the shower. ....&.&&..
&......&.& ....&&&.&.
&&.....&&& it is dark. you strip, and it's cold. ....&..&&&
..&....&.. your feet feel the cold stone floor, &...&&.&..
..&&...&&. your hands find the rubber handles to .&..&.&&&.
..&.&..&.& guide you into the cabin. .&&.&&&..&
&.&&&&.&&& &&.&&..&.&
.&&...&&.. and then, the hot water, the &.&&.&.&&&
&&.&..&.&. underground rain. drenching you, &&&.&&&&..
&.&&&.&&&& lathering you. infused with oils and &..&&...&.
&&&..&&... scents. and then, also from above, the &&.&.&..&&
...&.&.&.. shower creatures. first their black &.&&&&&.&.
...&&&&&&. velvet arms, touching, and then entire .&&....&&&
&..&.....& bodies. chests and snouts. .&.&...&..
&&.&&....& &&&&&..&&.
&.&&.&...& the creatures are meant to comfort you, &....&.&.&
.&&.&&&..& keep you entranced, and keep you from .&...&&&&&
&&.&&..&.& leaving the cabin prematurely. this &&&..&....
&.&&.&.&&& whole ordeal works best if you are not &..&.&&...
&&&.&&&&.. transformed too early, and are instead &&.&&&.&..
&..&&...&. allowed to enjoy the shower for a while. ..&&..&&&.
&&.&.&..&& ..&.&.&..&
..&&&&&.&. you are steamed, caressed, cleaned, &.&&&&&&.&
&.&....&&& modified, liquified; dissolved and .&&.....&&
.&&&...&.. drained... and then brought back, &&.&....&.
.&..&..&&. slowly, waking as the water dries off ..&&&...&&
&&&.&&.&.& of you. cabin open to the cold air &.&..&..&.
&..&&.&&&& tickling your fresh-born mind. creature .&&&.&&.&&
.&.&.&&... hands gone, you step out. .&..&&.&&.
.&&&&&.&.. &&&.&.&&.&
&&....&&&. later, elevator back up. new body. ...&&&&.&&
..&...&..& ...&...&&.
..&&..&&.& ...&&..&.&
&.&.&.&.&& ...&.&.&&&
.&&&&&&&&. ...&&&&&..
.&.......& &..&....&.