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¨,,~\§¤### ###¤§\~,,¨
.,,^~\*£@# #@£*\~^,,.
¨.,.:=/§¤@ @¤§/=:.,.¨
....¨,~*^¤ statuette ¤^*~,¨....
,,,¨¨,.=\$ $\=.,¨¨,,,
,¨¨¨¨.»:*% $§£¤¤$@£@$%&$$$¤-»-»=««~&$¤*@£$%&$$$$&§* %*:».¨¨¨¨,
.,.,,~=^%@ *$%$%$&£§ @%^=~,,.,.
¨,,.-^%@@# #@@%^-.,,¨
.¨,«*†$### forests around my childhood home. thick ###$†*«,¨.
.:»\%### pine arcades that were planted and ####&%\»:.
¨¨,«/^£@## forgotten. wild boars roaming ##@£^/«,¨¨
,¨.:~;†@@# underneath, sniffing at the ground. it #@@†;~:.¨,
.¨,.,~:§%# is dark and moist, the canopy having #%§:~,.,¨.
.,.,.^~:%& already soaked up all the sun. &%:~^.,.,.
.,¨,¨¨,«:$ $:«,¨¨,¨,.
¨,¨¨,~-†$£ there's a river passing by, from east £$†-~,¨¨,¨
..¨¨~~^*£@ to west, getting broader and deeper and @£*^~~¨¨..
.¨.~~\%£@@ slower as it goes. equisetum grow just @@£%\~~.¨.
,,,=†^%@## where the pine hands start to let ##@%^†=,,,
,~-:†$£@## through light, horsemint on the rocky ##@£$†:-~,
,¨^-:$$### river bed. ###$$:-^¨,
.¨.^»/=$## ##$=/»^.¨.
¨¨,¨.~*%*£ / £*%*~.¨,¨¨
,¨¨¨,.~\$% %$\~.,¨¨¨,
¨¨,¨¨¨:~=§ the riverbanks reek of magic. tonight §=~:¨¨¨,¨¨
.¨,¨.~=^^% they had been a swampworld with sylvan %^^=~.¨,¨.
.,..^~†=%@ water, stone rings and floating moss. @%=†~^..,.
¨..,»†=# you could've found me wallowing around ##&=†»,..¨
¨.^-^=%¶## on the southern shores until i got ##¶%=^-^.¨
,:-*^*#### bitten. ####*^*-:,
.,,«;†§£## ##£§†;«,,.
.,.-~^%¤## but now i'm further back, on solid ##¤%^~-.,.
,,¨¨:~;%£¶ ground, in shoulder-high grass, with an ¶£%;~:¨¨,,
.,,.,:«^*$ orange tin radio and a translucent $*^«:,.,,.
.,¨,.,:~:^ umbrella which i'm sitting on. ^:~:,.,¨,.
,¨¨,¨-»\^% %^\»-¨,¨¨,
¨.,,,=\$££ = ££$\=,,,.¨
¨,.:«†*£@@ @@£*†«:.,¨
..~»\%¤@## somethings moving in the grass. it's ##@¤%\»~..
..»^%@#@## invisible to my eyes but i can feel ##@#@%^»..
,,~~**$### through the ground just how large it is. ###$**~~,,
.¨¨,~^*%## ##%*^~,¨¨.
¨,¨,,=*%*@ the soil is muddy. i slip when trying @*%*=,,¨,¨
.¨¨.¨,»;^£ to get up, still looking at the £^;»,¨.¨¨.
,.¨¨¨¨~~/$ direction of sound rather than at my $/~~¨¨¨¨.,
,¨.,,^«=%£ hands, who are busy putting things in £%=«^,,.¨,
¨.¨¨~»==££ my pockets. ££==»~¨¨.¨
,¨,^~^^*¶# #¶*^^~^,¨,
,,-~/†¤£## then i run east toward my home. ##£¤†/~-,,
,-~=%£@### ###@£%=~-,
,..»:^£¶## / ##¶£^:»..,
¨,¨:»\%@ @#&%\»:¨,¨
...,^-/*@@ i am not followed, and slow down in the @@*/-^,...
.¨.¨,:»;%% clearing where you at first can spot %%;»:,¨.¨.
¨¨¨¨,.,»*% the house, not yet really in the %*»,.,¨¨¨¨
.¨,¨¨^»/*§ backyard. from my pockets i retrieve my §*/»^¨¨,¨.
.,.¨,=\*$£ radio (now dented) but also a small £$*\=,¨.,.
¨,.^~†%@ clay figure i've never seen before. it @#&%†~^.,¨
¨¨^-†*£@## must have been laying in the wet dirt, ##@£*†-^¨¨
,,«†=$@@## and i must've picked it up with my ##@@$=†«,,
.,,=†$£¶@# other belongings. #@¶£$†=,,.
¨,..«†%$@# #@$%†«..,¨
.,¨.^~†*$@ it's a statuette of a girl laying naked @$*†~^.¨,.
.,..¨~-\=@ on her stomach, feet in the air, @=\-~¨..,.
.¨¨.¨.~»;* roughly seven centimeters long. it's *;»~.¨.¨¨.
.,,¨,-~/%% freshly made, not yet completely dried. %%/~-,¨,,.
¨....==§¤£ £¤§==....¨
,.¨,»;**@# my mom is here now. i ask her for some #@**;»,¨.,
¨,-»*^&@## particle board for it to dry on, but ##@&^*»-,¨
¨.~**£¶### she is worried and wants me to ###¶£**~.¨
¨,,~:†$@@# throw it away. #@@$†:~,,¨
..¨.==%&¶# #¶&%==.¨..
,,¨¨,«:*$¶ ¶$*:«,¨¨,,
,.,¨¨:=:†@ @†:=:¨¨,.,
.¨,¨,..=== ===..,¨,¨.
,,.¨¨,«†§£ £§†«,¨¨.,,
,¨,¨~«;$¤# #¤$;«~¨,¨,