,,,,,««†£# #£†««,,,,,
,-«†=£#@@@ @@@#£=†«-,
,,,,,,«†£# #£†«,,,,,,
,,,,,,-†=# #=†-,,,,,,
,-«†=££##@ @##££=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@@ Day , Dream , Daydream @@@#£=†«-,
,-«†===#@@ ,,, ,,, @@#===†«-,
,-«†=£#@## ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ##@#£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# #@@#£=†«-,
,,,,«==### ,£ We Are Trying To Figure Out When £, ###==«,,,,
,-«†=£#@@@ ,£ The Day Is, Really, Because There £, @@@#£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# ,£ Are Conflicting Views On This £, #@@#£=†«-,
,,,--«†=#@ @#=†«--,,,
,,,--††££@ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, @££††--,,,
,,,,,,«=## ,,,, ,,, ,, ##=«,,,,,,
,,,,,-«=#@ @#=«-,,,,,
,,,,--«=£# Old School Thinkers And Worshippers #£=«--,,,,
,-«†=£#@@@ Will Say That The Day Starts When The @@@#£=†«-,
,-«†=£@@## Sun Rises, Because, You Know, Thats ##@@£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@@ True Isn'T It @@@#£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@@ @@@#£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# Boring People Will Say That The Day #@@#£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@@ Starts At Eight And Ends At Five... @@@#£=†«-,
,,,,,«†££# Don'T Believe Them #££†«,,,,,
,,,,««=£#@ @#£=««,,,,
,-«†=£@@## New School Neuroatypical Beings Might ##@@£=†«-,
,,,,--†=#@ Argue That The Day Starts When You Wake @#=†--,,,,
,-«†=£@@## Up. ##@@£=†«-,
,,,,,,««=# #=««,,,,,,
,,,,«†=£## - ##£=†«,,,,
,-«†=£###@ @###£=†«-,
,-«†=#@@## These Are Probably Different Concepts ##@@#=†«-,
,-«†=£###@ But The Confusion Is Neat @###£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# #@@#£=†«-,
,-«†=#@@## I Mean You Can Be Awake At Night? ##@@#=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# #@@#£=†«-,
,«†=£#@@## Maybe It'S Only A Day When You Are ##@@#£=†«,
,,,,,,-†£@ Awake To Experience It, And Then Only @£†-,,,,,,
,,,,-†=##@ If The Sun Is Up @##=†-,,,,
,,,,«†††£@ @£†††«,,,,
,,,--†††£@ What If Its Cloudy? @£†††--,,,
,-«†=£££#@ @#£££=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# #@@#£=†«-,
,-«†====£@ @£====†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# #@@#£=†«-,
,-«†=£#@@# #@@#£=†«-,
-«†=£#@@## ##@@#£=†«-