..££££££££ ..£££.££..
.£........ .£..££.£..
££........ ££.£.£££..
.£........ .££££..£.£
££.......£ £...£.££££
.£......£. £..£££....
££.....£££ Nothing Is Harmless £.£..£....
.£....£... £££££££££££££££££££ £££.££...£
££...££... ..££.£..££
.£..£.£... A Dream Is Around You, But Also Inside .£.£££.£..
££.££££... You, And Usually You Don'T Leave The £££..£££..
.££...£..£ Familiar Modes. ..£.£..£.£
£.£..££.££ Sometimes You Are Careless, But .££££.££££
£££.£.££.. Sometimes The Nightmare Comes To You. £...££....
..££££.£.£ £..£.£...£
.£...£££££ It May Shock You. It May Lure You In. £.££££..££
££..£....£ Even If You Are Afraid, It'S Likely ££...£.£.£
.£.££...££ You'Re Just Dreaming Normally. .£..£££££.
£££.£..£.£ ££.£....£.
..£££.£££. A Nightmare Sinks It'S Teeth In You. A .£££...£££
.£..££..££ Nightmare Follows You Back Up. £..£..£..£
££.£.£.£.£ Waking Is Not Escaping. £.££.££.££
.££££££££. ££.££.££..
£.......£. It Dissolves Or It Lingers. Maybe It .££.££.£..
£......£££ Crawls Away And Hides. £.££.£££.£
£.....£..£ ££.££..££.
£....££.££ Or It Could Be A Parasite That Has Been .££.£.£.££
£...£.££.£ Growing Inside You, Graceful Enough Not £.££££££..
£..£££.£££ To Kill. ££.....£.£
£.£..££... .£....£££.
£££.£.£... ££...£..££
..£££££..£ .£..££.£..
.£....£.£. ££.£.£££..
££...££££. .££££..£..
.£..£...££ £...£.££.£