,:~=%£§#@@ @@#§£%=~:,
,:~=%£§#@# #@#§£%=~:,
,,,,,,~%£§ §£%~,,,,,,
,,,,,:=%£# #£%=:,,,,,
,,,,,,~%§@ @§%~,,,,,,
,:~=%£§#@# :% What To Possibly %: #@#§£%=~:,
,:~=%££££# :~~% Bring With %~~: #££££%=~:,
,,:~~~%££§ §££%~~~:,,
,,,,,::=£§ §£=::,,,,,
,:~=%£§#@# (When Youre Going On A #@#§£%=~:,
,:~=%£§@## Silly Little Quest) ##@§£%=~:,
,:~===%£§# #§£%===~:,
,:~=%£§#@# #@#§£%=~:,
,:~=%£#@## ~~ Binoculars ##@#£%=~:,
,:~=%£§#@# #@#§£%=~:,
,:~=%£§#@@ ~~ Camera (Pref. Analog) @@#§£%=~:,
,:~=%£§§## ##§§£%=~:,
,:~=%£#@## ~~ Sound Recorder (Pref. Tape) ##@#£%=~:,
,:~=%££££§ §££££%=~:,
,:~=%£££§# ~~ Some Drugs + Utilities #§£££%=~:,
,:~=%£§#@# #@#§£%=~:,
,,,,:=££#@ ~~ Foldable Chair Or Other Something To @#££=:,,,,
,,,,,:=%%§ Sit On (I'Ve Learned You Can Use §%%=:,,,,,
,:~=%£§#@# Special Pants And Sit On Whatever) #@#§£%=~:,
,:~===%££# #££%===~:,
,,,,,~~%%§ ~~ Map + Compass §%%~~,,,,,
,:~=%£§@## ##@§£%=~:,
,,:~~=%§#@ ~~ A Little Something To Eat Maybe? @#§%=~~:,,
,:~=%£§@## ##@§£%=~:,
,:~=%£§### ~~ Sound Source, Headphones, Boombox ###§£%=~:,
,,,,:~%§§# #§§%~:,,,,
,:~=%§#@## ~~ Notebook + Pen ##@#§%=~:,
,:~=%£§§## ##§§£%=~:,
,,,,:=£§§@ ~~ Smoke Grenade @§§£=:,,,,
,:~=%£§#@# #@#§£%=~:,
,,,,,:==%§ §%==:,,,,,
,,,,,:=£§@ @§£=:,,,,,
,:~=%£§### ###§£%=~:,
,:~=%§#@## ##@#§%=~:,