#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
@##¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤##@
@##¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤##@
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
##@#¤§=«.¨ ¨.«=§¤#@##
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨¨†#†¨¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
##¤¤§†=«.¨ ¨.=§#@####@#§=.¨ ¨.«=†§¤¤##
##@#§†=«.¨ ¨¨¨..«§@ dreams @§«..¨¨¨ ¨.«=†§#@##
¤†««¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨.=§#@####@#§=.¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨««†¤
##@#§†=«.¨ ¨¨†#†¨¨ ¨.«=†§#@##
¤¤§†«..¨¨¨ ¨¨¨..«†§¤¤
#§=«««««.¨ ¨.¨ ¨.«««««=§#
@@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨†¤@#@¤†¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@@
##@¤§†=«.¨ ¨.¨ ¨.«=†§¤@##
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
##@#¤§†=«. internal visionary state .«=†§¤#@##
#¤††=.¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨.=††¤#
#¤†=.¨¨¨¨¨ the spirit travels ¨¨¨¨¨.=†¤#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
##@#¤§†=«. ¨.=§#@####@#§=.¨ .«=†§¤#@##
¤†=«¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨«¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨«=†¤
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ a cost ¨.«=†§¤#@#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ (anecdote) ¨.«=†§¤#@#
@@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@@
##@¤§†=«.¨ .. ¨.«=†§¤@##
@#¤†††=«.¨ ¨.«=†††¤#@
#¤†«««¨¨¨¨ i wake suddenly, and for a second ¨¨¨¨«««†¤#
@¤†«¨¨¨¨¨¨ everything is completely calm and dead ¨¨¨¨¨¨«†¤@
@@#¤§†=«.¨ silent. it's dark, and warm, and i ¨.«=†§¤#@@
¤††««.¨¨¨¨ slowly start to piece together my ¨¨¨¨.««††¤
#§§†††=«.¨ consciousness and my body. ¨.«=†††§§#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
@¤¤†«¨¨¨¨¨ then the fear hits me and i feel ¨¨¨¨¨«†¤¤@
#@#¤§†=«.¨ acutely sick. something is «wrong«. ¨.«=†§¤#@#
###¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤###
@#§†=«««.¨ ¨¨ ¨.«««=†§#@
#§†===...¨ ¨...===†§#
###¤§†=«.¨ there are circles and crosses inscribed ¨.«=†§¤###
#@#¤§†=«.¨ all over my vision, pressing in, being ¨.«=†§¤#@#
¤§†=««¨¨¨¨ almost hostile. i can feel them squirm, ¨¨¨¨««=†§¤
#§†=.¨¨¨¨¨ their internal logic changing and ¨¨¨¨¨.=†§#
¤§===.¨¨¨¨ grinding trenches in my mind. it's like ¨¨¨¨.===§¤
¤†=..¨¨¨¨¨ language, sentences i can't hide from, ¨¨¨¨¨..=†¤
@¤¤††«.¨¨¨ forcefully transcribed in my mind, and ¨¨¨.«††¤¤@
#@#¤§†=«.¨ doing damage there. ¨.«=†§¤#@#
#¤†=...¨¨¨ ¨¨¨...=†¤#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ then i realize i can't hear anything ¨.«=†§¤#@#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ because there's something there ¨.«=†§¤#@#
¤††«¨¨¨¨¨¨ already, droning everything out, a ¨¨¨¨¨¨«††¤
#@#¤§†=«.¨ rapid melody, almost caustic in it's ¨.«=†§¤#@#
@¤¤¤§†=«.¨ particular microtonality. ¨.«=†§¤¤¤@
@##¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤##@
#@#¤§†=«.¨ .. ¨.«=†§¤#@#
@¤¤¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤¤¤@
##@¤§†=«.¨ my surroundings are entirely calm. it's ¨.«=†§¤@##
@¤†=.¨¨¨¨¨ almost mocking. ¨¨¨¨¨.=†¤@
¤§†««.¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨.««†§¤
###¤§†=«.¨ i feel helpless, but i must try to ¨.«=†§¤###
¤§†=««¨¨¨¨ escape. to crawl on the floor searching ¨¨¨¨««=†§¤
###¤§†=«.¨ relief, such is my nature. turning the ¨.«=†§¤###
#¤§§†=.¨¨¨ lights on does nothing... getting ¨¨¨.=†§§¤#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ outside does nothing... drinking water ¨.«=†§¤#@#
##@#¤§=«.¨ does noting... but time does - after ¨.«=§¤#@##
@¤§=«..¨¨¨ thirty seconds i'm normal again, ¨¨¨..«=§¤@
#@#¤§†=«.¨ doubting anything of this happened in ¨.«=†§¤#@#
@¤¤§††=«.¨ the first place. ¨.«=††§¤¤@
##@#¤†=«.¨ ¨.«=†¤#@##
¤§§†==.¨¨¨ my eyes are still tense though, scared. ¨¨¨.==†§§¤
#¤††«.¨¨¨¨ i don't know what to make. ¨¨¨¨.«††¤#
#§§=.¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨.=§§#
##@#§†=«.¨ but i'm tired. ¨.«=†§#@##
¤§†«.¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨.«†§¤
###¤§†=«.¨ ¨ ¨.«=†§¤###
###¤§†=«.¨ ..«=«.. ¨.«=†§¤###
##¤¤§†=«.¨ ¨ ¨.«=†§¤¤##
@¤††«¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨«††¤@
###¤§†=«.¨ this can happen if you wander too far, ¨.«=†§¤###
@¤†==«««.¨ i guess? i shouldn't be so reckless ¨.«««==†¤@
##¤†«¨¨¨¨¨ when dreaming? ¨¨¨¨¨«†¤##
@@#¤§†=«.¨ i imagine a prick on the nose, that's ¨.«=†§¤#@@
###¤§†=«.¨ what these are. like you do with a cat ¨.«=†§¤###
#@#¤§†=«.¨ who comes to close to your sandwich... ¨.«=†§¤#@#
#¤¤§=..¨¨¨ ¨¨¨..=§¤¤#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
#¤†††«««.¨ ¨.«««†††¤#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
#@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@#
@@#¤§†=«.¨ ¨.«=†§¤#@@