 forests around  my childhood home. thick 
 pine   arcades  that  were  planted  and 
       forgotten. wild boars roaming      
 underneath, sniffing at  the  ground. it 
 is  dark  and  moist, the  canopy having 
 already   soaked   up   all   the   sun. 
 there's a  river passing by,  from  east 
 to west,  getting broader and deeper and 
 slower  as  it goes. equisetum grow just 
 where  the  pine  hands  start   to  let 
 through  light, horsemint  on the  rocky 
                river bed.                
 the  riverbanks reek  of  magic. tonight 
 they had been  a swampworld with  sylvan 
 water,  stone  rings and floating  moss. 
 you could've  found  me wallowing around 
 on  the  southern  shores  until  i  got 
 but  now  i'm  further  back,  on  solid 
 ground, in  shoulder-high grass, with an 
 orange  tin  radio  and   a  translucent 
      umbrella which i'm sitting on.      
 somethings  moving in  the  grass.  it's 
 invisible to  my eyes  but  i  can  feel 
 through the ground just how large it is. 
 the  soil is muddy.  i  slip when trying 
 to   get  up,   still   looking  at  the 
 direction  of sound rather  than  at  my 
 hands,  who are  busy putting things  in 
               my pockets.                
 then   i   run  east  toward   my  home. 
 i am  not followed, and slow down in the 
 clearing  where you  at  first  can spot 
 the  house,   not   yet  really  in  the 
 backyard. from  my pockets i retrieve my 
 radio  (now  dented)  but  also  a small 
 clay figure i've  never seen before.  it 
 must  have been laying  in the wet dirt, 
 and i  must've  picked  it  up  with  my 
             other belongings.            
 it's a statuette of a girl  laying naked 
 on  her   stomach,   feet  in  the  air, 
   roughly seven centimeters long. it's   
 freshly made, not yet  completely dried. 
 my mom is  here now. i ask  her for some 
 particle  board  for it  to dry  on, but 
 she   is  worried   and   wants   me  to 
              throw it away.