£......... ££........
..££££££££ £..££££££.
£..£££££££ ....££££..
....££££££ £££..££...
£££..£££££ ££......££
££....££££ # £..££££..£
£..££..£££ . .»»»». . ....££....
........£. . ^»» »^£ The Basement £^» »»^^ . £££....££.
£££££££... . »#» .»»»»»»»»»». »#» . ££..££....
.£££££..££ # £......££.
..£££....£ ..££££....
£..£..££.. The Basement Is A Man-Made Subterranean ...££..£££
.......... Environment Where You Could Find Such ££......££
.£££££££££ Things As The Furnace, The Labyrinth, ...££££...
..£££££££. Reptiles Or Graves. ££..££..££
...£££££.. ..........
££..£££... A Small Or Rural Basement Is A Cellar. ££££££££££
£....£..££ ££££££££££
..££...... »#» . »#» ££££££££££
.....£££££ £££££££££.
££££..£££. Often Created In Good Faith, A Basement ££££££££..
.££....£.. Is Nevertheless A Way To Bring A Cave .££££££...
....££.... Into Your Building, And Cave Things ..££££..££
.££....£££ With It. I'Ve Found That It'S Easier To £..££.....
....££..£. Think Of All Caves As The Same Large ......££££
.££....... Structure, It'S Just That All Parts £££££..££.
....££££££ Might Not Be Physically Connected. ££££......
£££..£££££ That'S What You'Re Inviting In. .££..£££££
££....£££. ......££££
£..££..£.. . . .££££..£££
.......... »#» . Usages . »#» ..££....££
.£££££££££ . . .....££...
..££££££££ ££££....££
...£££££££ The Purpose Of A Basement Is Often To £££..££...
££..££££££ Hide Unsightly Appliances, Engines, ££......££
£....£££££ Infrastructure (Pipes And Wells)... Or £..££££..£
..££..££££ To Hide The True Weight (Purpose?) Of A ....££....
£......£££ Building. £££....£££
..££££..££ ££..££..££
...££....£ To Draw From The Earth Around It, Push ..........
££....££.. Above Ground, Laundered. ££££££££££
£..££....£ .£££££££££
......££.. A Cellar Is A More Senseful Affair, ..££££££££
.££££....£ Less Intense... Made To Store Things £..££££££.
..££..££.. (Food Or Brews, Tools) In A Colder ....££££..
£........£ Environment. Perhaps To Grow Mushrooms. .££..££..£
..££££££.. Perhaps To Bury Corrupt Creatures (Not ..........
£..££££... Advised) ££££££££££
....££..££ ££££££££££
.££....... £££££££££.
....££££££ ££££££££..
£££..££££. £££££££..£
££....££.. ££££££....