fermi's paradox      
 on earth  (the  planet  where i  live) a 
 lot of  us  have antennas  on our houses 
 or  balconies,  we   have  built   large 
 antennas for  larger bandwith,  we  have 
     build specialized antennaes for      
   specific wavelengths (and sent them    
 into orbit),  we've  built large as fuck 
              antenna arrays              
 we've virtually built  an antenna with a 
          dish as large as earth.         
 we've learned about our position  in the 
     solar system, our solar systems      
 placement   in  the   galaxy,  and   our 
 galaxys placement  in the local cluster, 
 and  our local  clusters place  in the 
          grand scheme of things          
 and  we're  moving  around  the  sun  at 
 velocity and the suns  moving around the 
 center  of the  galaxy  at velocity  and 
 the  galaxy  is  moving toward andromeda 
   and we're both moving anticlockwise    
 around  the galaxy. and we as a  species 
 have learned to take all that in account 
 and  despite  all this, despite  all our 
   (cliche) beaming of fucking stellar    
 radio  programmes out  in  fucking space 
 at  the  speed of  light (light  is  our 
 medium! goodspeed you, black emperor!),  
      despite ghosts helping and the      
     collective consciousness lowpass     
   filtering, despite our very obvious    
 beaming  of  all our  secrets  in  every 
          direction known to us,          
 no       one        has      answered 
      fermi's paradox       
              so why is that?             
 most  opponents  to  intelligent life in 
 the universe say  it's because you  need 
 a class  one-or-the-other star  and  the 
 planet  needs  to  be  at  a  see-and-so 
 distance away from the  star (like there 
           has to be a planet!)           
 but   really  isn't   that  keeping  the 
      definition of life really lax?      
 i think everyone agrees that we have  no 
 idea what we're  doing  (and it probably 
      fermi's paradox       
 i'm  gonna go  smoke  my third cigarette 
 this  year and try  to snatch some beers 
        from the local beer thing