##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
#@*==¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨==*@#
@¤†=:¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨:=†¤@
##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
@****===:¨ #¨¨¨========¨¨¨# ¨:===****@
@@@@¤*†=:¨ ####¨== fermi's paradox ==¨#### ¨:=†*¤@@@@
@¤*††=:¨¨¨ #¨¨¨========¨¨¨# ¨¨¨:=††*¤@
#@@¤†:¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨:†¤@@#
##@@¤*†=:¨ on earth (the planet where i live) a ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ lot of us have antennas on our houses ¨:=†*¤@@##
###@¤*†=:¨ or balconies, we have built large ¨:=†*¤@###
@¤††††:¨¨¨ antennas for larger bandwith, we have ¨¨¨:††††¤@
##@@¤*†=:¨ build specialized antennaes for ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ specific wavelengths (and sent them ¨:=†*¤@@##
#@**=¨¨¨¨¨ into orbit), we've built large as fuck ¨¨¨¨¨=**@#
##@@¤*†=:¨ antenna arrays ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ we've virtually built an antenna with a ¨:=†*¤@@##
@*=::¨¨¨¨¨ dish as large as earth. ¨¨¨¨¨::=*@
#@**†==¨¨¨ ¨¨¨==†**@#
##@@¤*†=:¨ we've learned about our position in the ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ solar system, our solar systems ¨:=†*¤@@##
###@@¤*†=¨ placement in the galaxy, and our ¨=†*¤@@###
##@@¤*†=:¨ galaxys placement in the local cluster, ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ and =our= local clusters place in the ¨:=†*¤@@##
@*****†=:¨ grand scheme of things ¨:=†*****@
##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
#@*††:¨¨¨¨ and we're moving around the sun at ¨¨¨¨:††*@#
@@*†:¨¨¨¨¨ velocity and the suns moving around the ¨¨¨¨¨:†*@@
@@¤*=¨¨¨¨¨ center of the galaxy at velocity and ¨¨¨¨¨=*¤@@
#@*††::¨¨¨ the galaxy is moving toward andromeda ¨¨¨::††*@#
##@@¤*†=:¨ and we're both moving anticlockwise ¨:=†*¤@@##
#@@¤†::¨¨¨ around the galaxy. and we as a species ¨¨¨::†¤@@#
##@@¤*†=:¨ have learned to take all that in account ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ and despite all this, despite all our ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ (cliche) beaming of fucking stellar ¨:=†*¤@@##
#@¤*††:::¨ radio programmes out in fucking space ¨:::††*¤@#
@¤¤*=¨¨¨¨¨ at the speed of light (light is our ¨¨¨¨¨=*¤¤@
##@@¤*†=:¨ medium! goodspeed you, black emperor!), ¨:=†*¤@@##
@¤¤**=¨¨¨¨ despite ghosts helping and the ¨¨¨¨=**¤¤@
@*=¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ collective consciousness lowpass ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨=*@
@¤†===:¨¨¨ filtering, despite our very obvious ¨¨¨:===†¤@
@@@¤*††=:¨ beaming of all our secrets in every ¨:=††*¤@@@
@¤*††=:¨¨¨ direction known to us, ¨¨¨:=††*¤@
@¤¤††:¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨:††¤¤@
@¤*=¨¨¨¨¨¨ no ¨ one ¨ has ¨ answered ¨¨¨¨¨¨=*¤@
@@¤¤†=:¨¨¨ ¨¨¨:=†¤¤@@
@¤¤¤*==¨¨¨ #¨¨¨========¨¨¨# ¨¨¨==*¤¤¤@
##@@¤*†=:¨ ####¨== fermi's paradox ==¨#### ¨:=†*¤@@##
@*†:¨¨¨¨¨¨ #¨¨¨========¨¨¨# ¨¨¨¨¨¨:†*@
##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ so why is that? ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
###@¤*†=:¨ most opponents to intelligent life in ¨:=†*¤@###
@¤*†::¨¨¨¨ the universe say it's because you need ¨¨¨¨::†*¤@
##@@¤*†=:¨ a class one-or-the-other star and the ¨:=†*¤@@##
##@@¤*†=:¨ planet needs to be at a see-and-so ¨:=†*¤@@##
@¤¤**†:¨¨¨ distance away from the star (like there ¨¨¨:†**¤¤@
@*†====::¨ has to be a planet!) ¨::====†*@
#@@***†=:¨ ¨:=†***@@#
##@@¤*†=:¨ but really isn't that keeping the ¨:=†*¤@@##
@@¤*†=¨¨¨¨ definition of life really lax? ¨¨¨¨=†*¤@@
@¤***†:¨¨¨ ¨¨¨:†***¤@
@¤†:¨¨¨¨¨¨ i think everyone agrees that we have no ¨¨¨¨¨¨:†¤@
@¤***†::¨¨ idea what we're doing (and it probably ¨¨::†***¤@
@¤*===:¨¨¨ shows) ¨¨¨:===*¤@
@¤*†:¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨:†*¤@
##@@¤*†=:¨ #¨¨¨========¨¨¨# ¨:=†*¤@@##
@@¤††=::¨¨ ####¨== fermi's paradox ==¨#### ¨¨::=††¤@@
##@@¤*†=:¨ #¨¨¨========¨¨¨# ¨:=†*¤@@##
@@@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@@@
@¤**==:¨¨¨ i'm gonna go smoke my third cigarette ¨¨¨:==**¤@
@¤¤††††=:¨ this year and try to snatch some beers ¨:=††††¤¤@
##@@¤*†=:¨ from the local beer thing ¨:=†*¤@@##
@@@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@@@
##@@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@@##
@¤¤¤**†=:¨ ¨:=†**¤¤¤@
@@@¤*=:¨¨¨ ¨¨¨:=*¤@@@
###@¤*†=:¨ ¨:=†*¤@###