,.=*^¤#@## ##@#¤^*=.,
,,,,,.*^## ##^*.,,,,,
,.=**^^^#@ @#^^^**=.,
,.=*^¤#@## ##@#¤^*=.,
,,,,..**^# #^**..,,,,
,.=*^¤#@## , , , , , , , , ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤@### , ¤¤**¤¤ , , ¤¤**¤¤ , ###@¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## , ¤¤==##==¤¤ , The , ¤¤==##==¤¤ , ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=**^¤#@# *==######==* ¤ ¤ *==######==* #@#¤^**=.,
,.=*^¤#@## , ¤¤==##==¤¤ ,¤¤ Shower ¤¤, ¤¤==##==¤¤ , ##@#¤^*=.,
,,...=**^# ¤, ¤¤**¤¤ ,¤¤ ¤¤, ¤¤**¤¤ ,¤ #^**=...,,
,,,==*^^¤@ # , , , , , , , , # @¤^^*==,,,
,.=*^¤##@# ¤ Deep Below ¤ #@##¤^*=.,
,.==**^^## Ground Level, Several Elevators Down, ##^^**==.,
,,,,,=*¤@@ In The Dark Water Where The Surface @@¤*=,,,,,
,.=*^¤#@## Light Doesn'T Reach, And Warmth Comes ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## Mostly From Below - Here Is The Shower. ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## It Is Dark. You Strip, And It'S Cold. ##@#¤^*=.,
,,,,,=**¤# Your Feet Feel The Cold Stone Floor, #¤**=,,,,,
,.=*^¤#### Your Hands Find The Rubber Handles To ####¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤¤¤@@ Guide You Into The Cabin. @@¤¤¤^*=.,
,,,,,.*^## ##^*.,,,,,
,.=*^¤#@## And Then, The Hot Water, The ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## Underground Rain. Drenching You, ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## Lathering You. Infused With Oils And ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^^¤#@# Scents. And Then, Also From Above, The #@#¤^^*=.,
,,,,,.*^#@ Shower Creatures. First Their Black @#^*.,,,,,
,.=*^¤#@## Velvet Arms, Touching, And Then Entire ##@#¤^*=.,
,,,,.==^## Bodies. Chests And Snouts. ##^==.,,,,
,,,..*^### ###^*..,,,
,.=*^¤#@@# The Creatures Are Meant To Comfort You, #@@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤¤¤## Keep You Entranced, And Keep You From ##¤¤¤^*=.,
,,,.===^¤# Leaving The Cabin Prematurely. This #¤^===.,,,
,.=*^¤#@## Whole Ordeal Works Best If You Are Not ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## Transformed Too Early, And Are Instead ##@#¤^*=.,
,,..*^¤##@ Allowed To Enjoy The Shower For A While. @##¤^*..,,
,,,,=^¤#@# #@#¤^=,,,,
,,,..=*^## You Are Steamed, Caressed, Cleaned, ##^*=..,,,
,,,,.===^# Modified, Liquified; Dissolved And #^===.,,,,
,.=*^#@### Drained... And Then Brought Back, ###@#^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## Slowly, Waking As The Water Dries Off ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤@### Of You. Cabin Open To The Cold Air ###@¤^*=.,
,,,,,,=^^# Tickling Your Fresh-Born Mind. Creature #^^=,,,,,,
,.=*^¤#@## Hands Gone, You Step Out. ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤#@## Later, Elevator Back Up. New Body. ##@#¤^*=.,
,.=*^¤@### ###@¤^*=.,
,,,,.=*¤@@ @@¤*=.,,,,
,.=*^¤#### ####¤^*=.,
,,,,,=^^## ##^^=,,,,,
,,,,,,.=^# #^=.,,,,,,