#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
§%%%~..... .....~%%%§
#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
@§§@%%†~:. .:~†%%@§§@
#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
§%~:...... ::: dreamwiki chronology ::: ......:~%§
##@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@##
#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
#@@§@%†~:. on the @first day@, there was a markup .:~†%@§@@#
@@@§@%†~:. language and a parser .:~†%@§@@@
@§%~~::... ...::~~%§@
@@@@††:... on the %second day% there was a tagging ...:††@@@@
@@@§@%†~:. system and a link pool and a compiler .:~†%@§@@@
##@§@%†~:. for it .:~†%@§@##
@§%%%†~::. .::~†%%%§@
@@@§@%†~:. on the †third day† there was a caps .:~†%@§@@@
#@@§@%†~:. lock dance fest! .:~†%@§@@#
§§@†:..... .....:†@§§
#@@§@%†~:. on the ~fourth day~ we got fancy .:~†%@§@@#
§@@@@%†~:. curtains! .:~†%@@@@§
@§@†††:... ...:†††@§@
##@§@%†~:. on the :fifth day: there was randomness .:~†%@§@##
#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
§§§%%†::.. then i forgot about time ..::†%%§§§
@§§§@%†~:. .:~†%@§§§@
#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
#@@§@%†~:. .:~†%@§@@#
@@@@†††~:. .:~†††@@@@
@§@@†:.... ....:†@@§@