#$=-.,,,,, ,,,,,.-=$#
$=-.,,,,,, ,,,,,,.-=$
=-.,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,.-=
-.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.-
.,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,.
,,,,,,,,,, ##,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# ,,,,,,,,,,
.,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,.
-.,,,,,,,, , The Dream , ,,,,,,,,.-
=-.,,,,,,, , Of Being Swallowed , ,,,,,,,.-=
$=-.,,,,,, , By The Beast. , ,,,,,,.-=$
#$=-.,,,,, , , ,,,,,.-=$#
@#$=-.,,,, ##,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,# ,,,,.-=$#@
#@#$=-.,,, ,,,.-=$#@#
##@#$=-.,, # Inside ---------------- # ,,.-=$#@##
###@#$=-., , An Animal , As If , To Be Safe ,.-=$#@###
##@#$=-.,, ,,.-=$#@##
#@#$=-.,,, ,,######,,,###,,,###, ,,,.-=$#@#
@#$=-.,,,, -.,#### -.,###-., ####-, ,,,,.-=$#@
#$=-.,,,,, -.,#### -.,###-., ####-, ,,,,,.-=$#
$=-.,,,,,, The Dream Of Resting Inside Another ,,,,,,.-=$
=-.,,,,,,, Animal. Thats How It Starts, ,,,,,,,.-=
-.,,,,,,,, -., With The Dream, ,.- ,,,,,,,,.-
.,,,,,,,,, -.,####-.,###-.,####-, ,,,,,,,,,.
,,,,,,,,,, But This Time I Was Curious Of Where It ,,,,,,,,,,
.,,,,,,,,, Was Going, ,,,,,,,,,.
-.,,,,,,,, #== ---------- ==# ,,,,,,,,.-
=-.,,,,,,, == -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- == ,,,,,,,.-=
$=-.,,,,,, ,,,,,,.-=$
#$=-.,,,,, The First Gate Is The Lips ,,,,,.-=$#
@#$=-.,,,, ,,,,.-=$#@
#@#$=-.,,, , , To Get At The Throat. , ,,,.-=$#@#
##@#$=-.,, ,,.-=$#@##
###@#$=-., To Be Falling Into The Water, The ,.-=$#@###
##@#$=-.,, Ocean, The Void, But It Must Be Done In ,,.-=$#@##
#@#$=-.,,, The Right Way - In A Very Specific Way. ,,,.-=$#@#
@#$=-.,,,, ,,,,.-=$#@
#$=-.,,,,, =...-----------====.......=.----.....=. ,,,,,.-=$#
$=-.,,,,,, ...=======....=-. ,,,,,,.-=$
=-.,,,,,,, ...===---.=-===-...=----=======. ,,,,,,,.-=
-.,,,,,,,, ....=.--.==.========== ,,,,,,,,.-
.,,,,,,,,, ===================== ============= ,,,,,,,,,.
,,,,,,,,,, It'S Not A Bad Feeling, At First. It'S ,,,,,,,,,,
.,,,,,,,,, Slow... Graceful... But Then It Gets ,,,,,,,,,.
-.,,,,,,,, Too Much And You Faint. ,,,,,,,,.-
=-.,,,,,,, =#..=-....-.---------------======= ,,,,,,,.-=
$=-.,,,,,, ============= (You Will Feel Very Close ,,,,,,.-=$
#$=-.,,,,, To Nature) ,,,,,.-=$#
@#$=-.,,,, =#..=-....-.---------------======= ,,,,.-=$#@
#@#$=-.,,, ============= (You Will Feel Very Close ,,,.-=$#@#
##@#$=-.,, To The Beast That Is Everything) ,,.-=$#@##
###@#$=-., =#..=-....-.---------------======= ,.-=$#@###
##@#$=-.,, ============= (Only Through Its Help) ,,.-=$#@##
#@#$=-.,,, =#..=-....-.---------------== (Very ,,,.-=$#@#
@#$=-.,,,, Hard To Get Here Without The Aid Of The ,,,,.-=$#@
#$=-.,,,,, Beast) === (State Where The Human Is ,,,,,.-=$#
$=-.,,,,,, Submerged In The Animal) === == ,,,,,,.-=$
=-.,,,,,,, (Becoming The Animal) === (Forget ,,,,,,,.-=
-.,,,,,,,, Everything Else) === == (My Soul Is The ,,,,,,,,.-
.,,,,,,,,, Beast'S Soul) === (A Sludgy Sense Of ,,,,,,,,,.
,,,,,,,,,, Satisfaction. It'S Good) === (It'S ,,,,,,,,,,
.,,,,,,,,, Good) === == (Breathing Heavily) === ,,,,,,,,,.
-.,,,,,,,, === == (The Two Souls Will Move ,,,,,,,,.-
=-.,,,,,,, Together) === (Merge And Dissolve) === ,,,,,,,.-=
$=-.,,,,,, (Collective Body) === (Rearranged And ,,,,,,.-=$
#$=-.,,,,, Reordered) === (The Individual Is Not ,,,,,.-=$#
@#$=-.,,,, So Important) ,,,,.-=$#@
#@#$=-.,,, ,,,.-=$#@#
##@#$=-.,, ,,.-=$#@##
###@#$=-., ,.-=$#@###
##@#$=-.,, ,,.-=$#@##
#@#$=-.,,, ,,,.-=$#@#