,@,@@,@,@@ @@,,@@,@@,
@@@,@@@@,, ,@,@,@@,@,
,,@@,,,@,@ @@@@@,@@@@
,@,@,,@@@@ ,,,,@@,,,@
@@@@,@,,,@ ,,,@,@,,@@
,,,@@@,,@@ *** »» :::::::: »» *** ,,@@@@,@,,
,,@,,@,@,, ** » the most delightful thing... » ** ,@,,,@@@,,
,@@,@@@@,@ *** »» :::::::: »» *** @@,,@,,@,,
@,@@,,,@@, ,@,@@,@@,,
@@,@,,@,@, to become a stone... a big, dark and @@@,@@,@,@
,@@@,@@@@, porous stone... ,,@@,@@@@,
@,,@@,,,@, ,@,@@,,,@,
@,@,@,,@@@ a cavernous stone. a part of the vast @@@,@,,@@@
@@@@@,@,,, hollowness of the earth. within you the ,,@@@,@,,,
,,,,@@@,,@ same air as is within the mountains. ,@,,@@@,,@
,,,@,,@,@@ @@,@,,@,@@
,,@@,@@@,, cold air, good air, great and slow air. ,@@@,@@@,@
,@,@@,,@,@ moving throughout. @,,@@,,@@@
@@@,@,@@@@ @,@,@,@,,@
,,@@@@,,,@ to be wired in... loosened up... eroded @@@@@@@,@,
,@,,,@,,@@ away... down and out... ,,,,,,@@@,
@@,,@@,@,, ,,,,,@,,@,
,@,@,@@@,, ,,,,@@,@@@
@@@@@,,@,@ ,,,@,@@,,@
,,,,@,@@@@ ,,@@@,@,@,
,,,@@@,,,@ ,@,,@@@@@,
,,@,,@,,@@ @@,@,,,,@,