.^«*¤&£@## ##@£&¤*«^.
,~\=%&@@## ##@@&%=\~,
.-~†£§#### ####§£†~-.
.,~:^@@¶## ##¶@@^:~,.
.-~;*$#£## ##£#$*;~-.
¨.«:^%¤### #$=~~-~~-=»-,~~.,,¨,,..,.,.~,=~~~«-«~=%# ###¤%^:«.¨
,,~;†^/§$¶ § HANDCUFFS § ¶$§/^†;~,,
.,~~/†=*%@ #&~~««=»=~~:-~...,¨....,.,:--~~»~-«=-»§# @%*=†/~~,.
,,«;†&@¶## ##¶@&†;«,,
¨,-=*&¤@## shoplifters know aldi alarm tags only ##@¤&*=-,¨
.~~††$@@## trigger aldi alarms*. shoplifters also ##@@$††~~.
,,»=†$&£## know that void mart alarm tags only ##£&$†=»,,
¨:~†%$¤£## trigger void mart alarms. ##£¤$%†~:¨
.,-*%*&@## ##@&*%*-,.
.,-†$&¤### however, if you get caught handcuffs ###¤&$†-,.
,¨¨¨^;/@@# can be put on you as a punishment by #@@/;^¨¨¨,
.,.¨»=:£¤# police, and you are to wear them #¤£:=»¨.,.
,^~/%£@@@# indefenitely forever #@@@£%/~^,
,,~^$*@¶## ##¶@*$^~,,
¨¨¨¨¨,==^& ¨ ¨ ¨ &^==,¨¨¨¨¨
¨,==^$@# ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ #@#&$^==,¨
¨¨¨,====$# ¨ ¨ And They Will Trigger All Alarms ¨ ¨ #$====,¨¨¨
¨,==^$@# ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ #@#&$^==,¨
¨,==^$&@ ¨ ¨ ¨ @#&&$^==,¨
¨~^%$§#@## ##@#§$%^~¨
¨.=:/$†=@@ while this is distressing at first and @@=†$/:=.¨
.:~\*@@¤£§ can certainly lead to anxiousness, most §£¤@@*\~:.
,..¨~«^:§# store workers are sympathetic and will #§:^«~¨..,
,.¨.^;:$@¶ let you go if you ask them. ¶@$:;^.¨.,
,,~/%#@### ###@#%/~,,
,:-=§§## ###&§§=-:,
,^-=%§@@## ##@@§%=-^,
,.-==££@## ##@££==-.,
,,,¨¨,.=^¤ ¤^=.,¨¨,,,
* probably not true, idk