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.....=§§¤¤ ¤¤§§=.....
...,=//%%@ @%%//=,...
...,=/§¤¤¤ ¤¤¤§/=,...
..,===/§%@ ## .,===,. ## @%§/===,..
.,=/§%¤¤@@ ======== # egg eater # ======== @@¤¤%§/=,.
.....=§§%@ ## .,===,. ## @%§§=.....
.,=/§¤@### ###@¤§/=,.
.,=/§%%¤¤¤ ¤¤¤%%§/=,.
...====§§¤ absolutely spherical egg. find it on ¤§§====...
.,=/§¤@### large sandy beaches, upshore where ###@¤§/=,.
.,=/§%¤@@@ dunes meet shadowy pines. teal egg, @@@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§%¤@## ##@¤%§/=,.
.....,=/%¤ makes some sentient bird or other ¤%/=,.....
.,=/§%¤@## warm-blooded creature. lanky meat, ##@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§%¤@@@ incredible meat inside, mostly tendons. @@@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§%%%%¤ slithery but strong. ¤%%%%§/=,.
.....==§%¤ ¤%§==.....
....==//§¤ the egg has an opening. the egg has a ¤§//==....
.....,/§¤@ belly button. looks like a rubber @¤§/,.....
.,=/§%¤@## vortex, the crust gets soft and becomes ##@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§%¤@## a hole. ##@¤%§/=,.
.,=////%%¤ ¤%%////=,.
....=///§¤ # ...,========,... # ¤§///=....
.....=§¤¤¤ ¤¤¤§=.....
.,=/§%¤@## and on these beaches there's a ##@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§%¤### particular snake or lizard which ###¤%§/=,.
...===/§%¤ certainly eats insects most of the ¤%§/===...
.,=/§%¤@## time, but it knows a good belly button ##@¤%§/=,.
...,//§§%@ when it sees one, and knows to enter @%§§//,...
.......=§¤ the egg ¤§=.......
.,=/§%¤@## ##@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§§%¤¤¤ it will crawl into the teal sphere, ¤¤¤%§§/=,.
.,=/§%¤@## disappear completely and eat it all up, ##@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§%¤### ruining the integrity of the egg. ###¤%§/=,.
......=/%@ destroying the inhabitant. @%/=......
.,=/§%¤@@# #@@¤%§/=,.
.,=//§§§§¤ it's a grisly sight when it cracks ¤§§§§//=,.
....,,==§¤ open, the reptile taking the quick ¤§==,,....
...,=//%¤# exit, emerging bloodied and victorious #¤%//=,...
.,=/§%¤@## and satisfied~~ ##@¤%§/=,.
.,=/§%¤@## ##@¤%§/=,.
...====§¤¤ ¤¤§====...
.....,/§¤@ @¤§/,.....
..,==//§§¤ ¤§§//==,..
..,==//§¤¤ ¤¤§//==,..