,,,,,,=%%£ £%%=,,,,,,
,,,,==*%££ ££%*==,,,,
,,,,*%%%££ ££%%%*,,,,
,,=*%%££## ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## , ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££££ %==, ££££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## % ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## % ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%£££# ££ %% #£££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## ££% £££ #££££= ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££££ ,,, oasis truck stop ,,, ££££%%*=,,
,,,,,,*%%£ ,,,, ,,,, £%%*,,,,,,
,,=*%%££££ ,,, ,,, ££££%%*=,,
,,,,=*%%££ , , ££%%*=,,,,
,,=*%%££££ ££££%%*=,,
,,,===*%££ in the desert, on the seven seas of ££%*===,,,
,,=*%%£### sand, between earth and kirugu, there's ###£%%*=,,
,,*%%££### a truck stop. ###££%%*,,
,,=*%%%%£# #£%%%%*=,,
,,=*%%%%%£ flowers and fanes. the colours of those £%%%%%*=,,
,,,,****%£ who live there, the color of human £%****,,,,
,,=*%%£### activity, more vibrant than average ###£%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## desert, more interesting ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## than raw entropy ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## clangy pot music, rattling guitar, ##££%%*=,,
,,,=*%%%%£ hoarse song, dried flower maracas £%%%%*=,,,
,,,,,,=*%£ £%*=,,,,,,
,,=*%%££## ======= ##££%%*=,,
,,,,,=*%££ ££%*=,,,,,
,,=*%%££## the only piece of infrastructure for an ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## area larger than a dream, ##££%%*=,,
,,=*%%%%££ towers and tubes to refuel your vehicle, ££%%%%*=,,
,,=*%%£££# be it car or horse #£££%%*=,,
,,=*%%££## ##££%%*=,,
,,,,,,,=%£ £%=,,,,,,,
,,,,,,*%%£ £%%*,,,,,,
,,=**%%££# #££%%**=,,
,,=*%%£££# #£££%%*=,,