  in kirugu vargir, far from the        
  desert. in the green caves... there   
  grows a lichen on the walls. hence    
  the name... green caves... although   
  they are rather blue-green. teal.     
 they would  scrape  the lichen from  the 
 cave walls, being careful not to  inhale 
 the dust. even  so, they would get  some 
 in their lungs, or stuck in  their hair, 
 or on  their hands...  sooner  or later, 
       it would enter their bodies.       
 the  medicine   made  from  the   lichen 
      flakes have some,, interesting      
 for  starters, it speeds  up healing  of 
 wounds,  especially  for  those  cut  by 
               animal claw,               
 it  aids in  making  dreams  lucid,  for 
         making dreams come true,         
   and when sufficiently accustomed, you  
 can  see  it  glow  in   those   dreams.