@@@,@,,@,@ ,@@@@@,,@@
,,@@@,@@@, @,,,,@,@,,
,@,,@@,,@@ @,,,@@@@,,
@@,@,@,@,, @,,@,,,@,,
,@@@@@@@,@ @,@@,,@@,@
@,,,,,,@@, squinky= squinky= squinky= squinky= @@,@,@,@@@
@,,,,,@,@, inky= squinky= squinky= squinky= squ ,@@@@@@,,,
@,,,,@@@@, y= squinky= squinky= squinky= squink @,,,,,@,,@
@,,,@,,,@, squinky= squinky= squinky= squinky= @,,,,@@,@,
@,,@@,,@@, inky= squinky= squinky= squinky= squ @,,,@,@@@@
@,@,@,@,@@ y= squinky= squinky= squinky= squink @,,@@@,,,,
@@@@@@@@,, @,@,,@,,,@
,,,,,,,@,@ ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ @@@,@@,,@,
,,,,,,@@@, ,,@@,@,@@,
,,,,,@,,@@ £ ££££££££££££££££££££££££ £ ,@,@@@@,@,
,,,,@@,@,, £ squinky [squinkies] £ @@@,,,@@@,
,,,@,@@@,@ £ ££££££££££££££££££££££££ £ ,,@,,@,,@,
,,@@@,,@@, ,@@,@@,@@,
,@,,@,@,@, ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ @,@@,@@,@,
@@,@@@@@@, @@,@@,@@@,
,@@,,,,,@, "squinky" is the colloquial name for a ,@@,@@,,@@
@,@,,,,@@@ plant whose cones are genetically @,@@,@,@,@
@@@,,,@,,@ engineered to produce a nutritious sap. @@,@@@@@@,
,,@,,@@,@@ the sap is often released when the cone ,@@,,,,,@@
,@@,@,@@,, is squeezed, although some are instead @,@,,,,@,@
@,@@@@,@,@ made to produce a continuous volume @@@,,,@@@@
@@,,,@@@@@ (these are less suited for outdoor use). ,,@,,@,,,,
,@,,@,,,,@ ,@@,@@,,,@
@@,@@,,,@, while mainly used for human sustenance, @,@@,@,,@@
,@@,@,,@@@ squinkies are sometimes also made to @@,@@@,@,,
@,@@@,@,,, have medecinal use (mostly as ,@@,,@@@,,
@@,,@@@,,, pain relief), or offering chemical @,@,@,,@,@
,@,@,,@,,, properties such as lubrication. @@@@@,@@@,
@@@@,@@,,, additionaly, theyre used in the making ,,,,@@,,@,
,,,@@,@,,, of perfumes for their creatural smells. ,,,@,@,@@@
,,@,@@@,,@ ,,@@@@@,,@
,@@@,,@,@@ ,@,,,,@,@@
@,,@,@@@,, @@,,,@@@,@
@,@@@,,@,@ ,@,,@,,@@,
@@,,@,@@@, @@,@@,@,@@