,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
^,,,,,,,,, a @@@@@@@@@@@ ,,,,,,,,,^
»^,,,,,,,, @@@ @ @@## ,,,,,,,,^»
†»^,,,,,,, @@@@@@ @ friend @ @@@@@@ ,,,,,,,^»†
††»^,,,,,, ##@@ @ @@@ ,,,,,,^»††
§††»^,,,,, @@@@@@@@@@@ ,,,,,^»††§
£§††»^,,,, ,,,,^»††§£
@£§††»^,,, it would be logistically very simple @ ,,,^»††§£@
@@£§††»^,, @ to replace your friends @ @ with ,,^»††§£@@
#@@£§††»^, actors. @ @ they would hear a knock @ @ ,^»††§£@@#
@@£§††»^,, on their front door, our agent on the ,,^»††§£@@
@£§††»^,,, other side. @ @ the agent would tell ,,,^»††§£@
£§††»^,,,, your friend that you're acting strange ,,,,^»††§£
§††»^,,,,, @ @ and that they are needed to help ,,,,,^»††§
††»^,,,,,, you. @ @ they would, on their way being ,,,,,,^»††
†»^,,,,,,, escorted @ @ to the black car parked ,,,,,,,^»†
»^,,,,,,,, outside, @ @ glimpse someone looking ,,,,,,,,^»
^,,,,,,,,, eerily like them @ @ being led toward ,,,,,,,,,^
,,,,,,,,,, their house. @ @ but they would ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, nevertheless get in the car ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, @@@@ @@@@@@@ ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, @ @@## @@@ ,,,,,,,,,,
^,,,,,,,,, @ @@@@@@ ## @@@@@@ @ ,,,,,,,,,^
»^,,,,,,,, @@@ ##@@ @ ,,,,,,,,^»
†»^,,,,,,, @@@@@@@ of ours @@@@ ,,,,,,,^»†
††»^,,,,,, ,,,,,,^»††
§††»^,,,,, ,,,,,^»††§
£§††»^,,,, ,,,,^»††§£
@£§††»^,,, ,,,^»††§£@
@@£§††»^,, ,,^»††§£@@