@@$=\\\~,, ,,~\\\=$@@
@==\\~,,,, ,,,,~\\==@
@@$=~,,,,, ,,,,,~=$@@
@@$=\\\~,, ,,~\\\=$@@
@@@$$=\~,, ,,~\=$$@@@
@@$\,,,,,, they built the final nightclub on top ,,,,,,\$@@
@@@==~,,,, of an undocumented research site. each ,,,,~==@@@
##@@@$\~,, floor closer to the collapsed warp ,,~\$@@@##
##@@@=\~,, prototype. did they know at the start? ,,~\=@@@##
@$\\,,,,,, classified maps had gone missing some ,,,,,,\\$@
@$\~~~,,,, years before. ,,,,~~~\$@
@@@@$=\~,, ,,~\=$@@@@
@@@@$=\~,, the deeper you descend, the stranger ,,~\=$@@@@
##@@$=\~,, the environment - first more ,,~\=$@@##
@@@==\~~,, enthralling and intrusive, then seedy ,,~~\==@@@
#@@@$=\~,, and predatory, but pierce deeper and ,,~\=$@@@#
@@=\\,,,,, there will be more peculiar effects. ,,,,,\\=@@
@@==~,,,,, your sense of space will seem to ,,,,,~==@@
#@@@$=\~,, distort (it's actually the spacetime ,,~\=$@@@#
@@@@$=\~,, itself that is becoming fluid), then ,,~\=$@@@@
@@@=~,,,,, your body, and finally your sense of ,,,,,~=@@@
##@@$=\~,, self. ,,~\=$@@##
@@@$==\~,, ,,~\==$@@@
#@@@$=\~,, # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### ### ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##### ### ,,~\=$@@@#
##@@@$\~,, ### ### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ,,~\$@@@##
@$\\~,,,,, #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ,,,,,~\\$@
##@@$=\~,, ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ,,~\=$@@##
#@@@$=\~,, ###### ###### ###### ###### ###### ,,~\=$@@@#
@=~~~,,,,, ###### ###### ######## ######## ,,,,,~~~=@
@@$=~,,,,, ######## ######## ######## ######## ,,,,,~=$@@
@==\\~,,,, ######## ######## ######## ######## ,,,,~\\==@
@@@=\~~,,, ######## ######## ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,~~\=@@@
##@@$=\~,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,~\=$@@##
@@@@$=\~,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,~\=$@@@@
@@=~~,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,~~=@@
##@@$=\~,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,~\=$@@##
#@@@$=\~,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,~\=$@@@#
@@@=~,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,,,,~=@@@
#@@@$=\~,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,~\=$@@@#
@@@@$=\~,, ,, ,, ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,~ ,\ ,\ ,\ ,,~\=$@@@@
#@@@$=\~,, ,\ ,= ,= ,$ ,@ ,@ ,@ ,# ~, ~, ~~ ~\ ~= ,,~\=$@@@#
##@@@$\~,, ~$ ~@ ~@ ~@ ~# \, \, \~ \\ \= \$ \@ \@ ,,~\$@@@##
#@@@$=\~,, \@ \# =, =, =~ =\ == =$ =@ =@ =@ =# $, ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, $, $~ $\ $= $$ $@ $@ $@ $# @, @, @~ @\ ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, @= @$ @@ @@ @@ @# @, @, @~ @\ @= @$ @@ ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, @@ @@ @# @, @, @~ @\ @= @$ @@ @@ @@ @# ,,~\=$@@@#
@@@@$=\~,, #, #, #~ #\ #= #$ #@ #@ ,,~\=$@@@@
#@@@$=\~,, the ceiling is covered in actual stars. ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, eyes above ,,~\=$@@@#
##@@$=\~,, fading into silver flakes as they fall ,,~\=$@@##
@@$\~~,,,, bubbles in drinks ,,,,~~\$@@
@$$$$=\~,, ,,~\=$$$$@
##@@@$=~,, drinks with a secret ingredient, that ,,~=$@@@##
@$$\\~,,,, makes you see the stars even when you ,,,,~\\$$@
@@@=~,,,,, close your eyes. ,,,,,~=@@@
@@=\\,,,,, ,,,,,\\=@@
@=\,,,,,,, at these deeper levels it can be hard ,,,,,,,\=@
@$$$=~,,,, to remember who and where you are ,,,,~=$$$@
@=\\~,,,,, (were). normal staff is as transformed ,,,,,~\\=@
@@$$=\,,,, as guests. instead, care and protection ,,,,\=$$@@
@@$$$=\~,, are offered by (overly flirty) ,,~\=$$$@@
@@$=~~,,,, pool toys and other such automatons. ,,,,~~=$@@
@@==~,,,,, ,,,,,~==@@
#@@@$=\~,, if you stay above absolute madness, ,,~\=$@@@#
@=~~,,,,,, there is some sort of control to be ,,,,,,~~=@
@=~,,,,,,, had. you could slip into your ideal dog ,,,,,,,~=@
##@@@$\~,, body there, explore that. you could ,,~\$@@@##
#@@@$=\~,, drink poisonous ambrosia and not be ,,~\=$@@@#
@$=~~~,,,, burned away. you could explore ,,,,~~~=$@
@@===\~,,, territories just as mapless as those ,,,~\===@@
@@@$==\~,, closer to the core, but with a chance ,,~\==$@@@
@$$==\~,,, of finding your way back. ,,,~\==$$@
@=\\,,,,,, ,,,,,,\\=@
@$$$\,,,,, ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,# ,,,,,\$$$@
@=~,,,,,,, ,, the honey is a trap and there's a ,, ,,,,,,,~=@
#@@@$=\~,, ~~ sting, a sting, a sting. ~~ ,,~\=$@@@#
##@@$=\~,, \, it's in your eyes and it's in your ,\ ,,~\=$@@##
@$$=~~,,,, =, mouth and your hands, their hands ,= ,,,,~~=$$@
@@@@$=\~,, $~ it's in your heart and in your ~$ ,,~\=$@@@@
@@@@$=\~,, @\ mind and the minds of those around \@ ,,~\=$@@@@
#@@@$=\~,, @= you, their hearts, their bodies. =@ ,,~\=$@@@#
@@$=\\,,,, @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ @$ ,,,,\\=$@@
@@@$$=\~,, and if you're lucky, you'll never get ,,~\=$$@@@
#@@@$=\~,, out. don't bite the other guests. ,,~\=$@@@#
@@@@$=\~,, (or do) ,,~\=$@@@@
@=\\~,,,,, ,,,,,~\\=@
#@@@$=\~,, the deeper the floor goes, the more ,,~\=$@@@#
@===~~,,,, expensive the drinks. this is not ,,,,~~===@
@@=~,,,,,, coincidental. the more expensive the ,,,,,,~=@@
@@$\~,,,,, drinks, the more likely it is that ,,,,,~\$@@
@$$=~,,,,, someone will buy them for you. ,,,,,~=$$@
##@@@$=~,, this is also not coincidental. if ,,~=$@@@##
@@$\,,,,,, someone buys you a drink, they are very ,,,,,,\$@@
@@@$$=\~,, likely to take care of your needs in ,,~\=$$@@@
#@@@$=\~,, other ways as well. ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, ,,~\=$@@@#
@===~,,,,, ,,,,,~===@
#@@@$=\~,, ,,~\=$@@@#
#@@@$=\~,, ,,~\=$@@@#