They Built  The  Final Nightclub  On Top 
 Of  An Undocumented Research  Site. Each 
 Floor   Closer  To  The  Collapsed  Warp 
 Prototype. Did  They Know  At The Start? 
 Classified  Maps Had  Gone  Missing Some 
 Years Before.                            
 The  Deeper You  Descend,  The  Stranger 
 The    Environment    -    First    More 
 Enthralling And  Intrusive,  Then  Seedy 
 And Predatory,  But  Pierce  Deeper  And 
 There  Will  Be More  Peculiar  Effects. 
 Your  Sense  Of  Space  Will   Seem   To 
 Distort  (It'S  Actually  The  Spacetime 
 Itself  That  Is  Becoming  Fluid), Then 
 Your  Body, And  Finally  Your  Sense Of 
 The Ceiling Is Covered In Actual  Stars. 
 Eyes                               Above 
 Fading Into Silver  Flakes As  They Fall 
 Bubbles                     In    Drinks 
 Drinks With  A  Secret Ingredient,  That 
 Makes You See  The  Stars Even When  You 
 Close             Your             Eyes. 
 At  These Deeper Levels It Can  Be  Hard 
 To  Remember  Who   And  Where  You  Are 
 (Were). Normal Staff  Is  As Transformed 
 As  Guests. Instead, Care And Protection 
 Are    Offered   By   (Overly    Flirty) 
 Pool toys  And  Other  Such  Automatons. 
 If  You  Stay  Above  Absolute  Madness, 
 There Is  Some Sort  Of  Control  To  Be 
 Had. You Could Slip  Into Your Ideal Dog 
 Body  There,  Explore  That.  You  Could 
 Drink  Poisonous  Ambrosia  And  Not  Be 
 Burned    Away.   You   Could    Explore 
 Territories  Just As  Mapless  As  Those 
 Closer To  The Core, But  With  A Chance 
 Of     Finding     Your     Way    Back. 
  The Honey Is A Trap And There'S  A  
    Sting,   A   Sting,  A  Sting.    
  It'S In Your Eyes And It'S In Your  
  Mouth And Your  Hands, Their Hands  
  It'S  In Your Heart And  In  Your   
  Mind And The Minds Of Those Around  
  You, Their  Hearts, Their  Bodies.  
 And If You'Re  Lucky, You'Ll  Never  Get 
 Out.  Don'T  Bite   The  Other   Guests. 
                  (Or Do)                 
 The  Deeper The  Floor  Goes,  The  More 
 Expensive  The   Drinks.  This   Is  Not 
 Coincidental.  The  More  Expensive  The 
 Drinks,  The  More  Likely  It  Is  That 
 Someone   Will   Buy   Them   For   You. 
 This  Is  Also   Not  Coincidental.   If 
 Someone Buys You A Drink,  They Are Very 
 Likely To  Take Care Of  Your  Needs  In 
 Other        Ways        As        Well.