&&&.&..&.. &&&&.&&&.&
...&&&.&&. &...&&..&&
&..&..&&.& .&..&.&.&.
&&.&&.&.&& &&&.&&&&&&
..&&.&&&&. &..&&.....
..&.&&...& inside on the floor, two glowing &&.&.&....
..&&&.&..& squares of sunlight flooding in through &.&&&&&...
..&..&&&.& the decorative windows. slowly making .&&....&..
..&&.&..&& their way across the room, eventually &&.&...&&.
..&.&&&.&. coming across his body. like two arms &.&&&..&.&
&.&&&..&&& reaching his stomach, and then into his &&&..&.&&&
.&&..&.&.. ribcage, gripping something there. &..&.&&&..
.&.&.&&&&. .&.&&&..&.
.&&&&&...& fox body pressing close. its eyes &&&&..&.&&
&&....&..& opening his, asleep but staring into &...&.&&&.
&.&...&&.& its pupils, into the surface of the sun. .&..&&&..&
.&&&..&.&& &&&.&..&.&
&&..&.&&&. ...&&&.&&&
..&.&&&..& ...&..&&..
..&&&..&.& ...&&.&.&.
..&..&.&&& &..&.&&&&&