       the exobubble is a prototype       
          exoskeleton created by          
  amata texnologiyasi's miltech company.  
 it's  mostly  marketed  as   a  strength 
  multiplier, for lifting heavy objects.  
        demo incident         
  during the first public demonstration   
      in twenty twentyfour, the pilot     
   bous anemoeitiai was severely injured  
    when demonstrating the exobubble's    
 ability to  withstand  mortar shells. it 
    successfully deteced the explosive    
 device  and automatically folded into  a 
      blast-resistant form; due to a      
 miscalibration of anemoeitiai's height,  
 his left arm and leg were crushed.  upon 
      unfolding after the explosion,      
 anemoeitiai was still  conscious  but in 
 severe shock. he had suffered  no damage 
        from the actual explosion.        
        muppet scandal        
  while anemoeitiai's contract did waive  
 all  claims for damages  due to  injury, 
 due to the event being  livestreamed and 
        the following pr blowback,        
 texnologiyasi promised top-of-the-world  
 care  with prosthetics or regrown limbs. 
        anemoeitiai was moved to a        
     texnologiyasi hospital, where was    
      withdrawn from the public eye.      
      in the hospital anemoeitiai was     
  provided with five sentient felt-like   
 creatures,  meant  to assist him  during 
   initial recovery. upon learning that   
 they could not disobey his commands,  he 
 started ordering them to perform  sexual 
 acts on him. a video  of this was leaked 
            by hospital staff.            
  the dent in texnologiyasi's reputation  
 due  to  the  exobubble  malfunction was 
 quickly eclipsed by  "the muppet video", 
 as    it    came     to    be    called. 
      the creatures were considered       
   bioweapons, and were destroyed. this   
 sparked   even   further  debate   about