£££..£.... .£££££..££
..£.££...£ £....£.£..
.£££.£..£. £...££££..
£..£££.£££ £..£...£..
£.£..££..£ £.££..££.£
£££.£.£.££ ££.£.£.££.
..££££££.. ~~~ dreamwiki chronology ~~~ .££££££.££
.£.....£.. £.....££.£
££....££.£ £....£.£££
.£...£.£££ on the £first day£, there was a markup £...£££...
££..£££... language and a parser £..£..£...
.£.£..£... £.££.££..£
££££.££..£ on the =second day= there was a tagging ££.££.£.££
...££.£.£. system and a link pool and a compiler .££.££££..
..£.£££££. for it £.££...£..
.£££....££ ££.£..££..
£..£...£.. on the \third day\ there was a caps .£££.£.£..
£.££..££.£ lock dance fest! £..£££££.£
££.£.£.££. £.£....££.
.££££££.£. on the -fourth day- we got fancy £££...£.££
£.....££££ curtains! ..£..£££.£
£....£.... .££.£..££.
£...££...£ on the ~fifth day~ there was randomness £.£££.£.££
£..£.£..£. ££..££££..
£.££££.£££ then i forgot about time .£.£...£.£
££...££..£ ££££..£££.
.£..£.£.£. ...£.£..££
££.££££££. ..££££.£.£
.££.....££ .£...££££.
£.£....£.. ££..£...£.