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@$$$=/~~., ,.~~/=$$$@
###@$=/~., ,.~/=$@###
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
##@¤$=/~., Day , Dream , Daydream ,.~/=$¤@##
##@¤$=/~., ,,, ,,, ,.~/=$¤@##
@@$//..,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,..//$@@
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
@$=~.,,,,, ,$ We Are Trying To Figure Out When $, ,,,,,.~=$@
###@¤$=/., ,$ The Day Is, Really, Because There $, ,./=$¤@###
###@¤=/~., ,$ Are Conflicting Views On This $, ,.~/=¤@###
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
#¤¤=~.,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, ,,,,.~=¤¤#
##@¤$=/~., ,,,, ,,, ,, ,.~/=$¤@##
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
##@¤$=/~., Old School Thinkers And Worshippers ,.~/=$¤@##
###@$=/~., Will Say That The Day Starts When The ,.~/=$@###
¤$=~,,,,,, Sun Rises, Because, You Know, Thats ,,,,,,~=$¤
##@¤$=/~., True Isn'T It ,.~/=$¤@##
###¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤###
##@¤$=/~., Boring People Will Say That The Day ,.~/=$¤@##
##@¤$=/~., Starts At Eight And Ends At Five... ,.~/=$¤@##
#¤==~,,,,, Don'T Believe Them ,,,,,~==¤#
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
@¤$/~..,,, New School Neuroatypical Beings Might ,,,..~/$¤@
¤$//~~~.,, Argue That The Day Starts When You Wake ,,.~~~//$¤
#¤$/.,,,,, Up. ,,,,,./$¤#
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
¤=~,,,,,,, . ,,,,,,,~=¤
@¤=~~.,,,, ,,,,.~~=¤@
##@¤$=/~., These Are Probably Different Concepts ,.~/=$¤@##
#@¤$///~., But The Confusion Is Neat ,.~///$¤@#
¤$=/~.,,,, ,,,,.~/=$¤
¤$//~.,,,, I Mean You Can Be Awake At Night? ,,,,.~//$¤
@@@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@@@
##@¤$=/~., Maybe It'S Only A Day When You Are ,.~/=$¤@##
#@¤¤$=/~., Awake To Experience It, And Then Only ,.~/=$¤¤@#
@@@¤$=/~., If The Sun Is Up ,.~/=$¤@@@
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
@$=~,,,,,, What If Its Cloudy? ,,,,,,~=$@
#¤=~~..,,, ,,,..~~=¤#
@@@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@@@
##@¤$=/~., ,.~/=$¤@##
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