,,,£,£,££, £,£,,£,,£,
,,,£££££,£ ££££,££,££
£,,£,,,,££ £,,,££,££,
££,££,,,£, ,£,,£,££,£
,,££,£,,££ £££,£££,££
£,£,£££,£, == £,,££,,££,
£££££,,£££ = = ,£,£,£,£,£
,,,,,£,£,, -----------------= =----------------- ££££££££££
£,,,,££££, = = £,,,,,,,,,
££,,,£,,,£ == ££,,,,,,,,
£,£,,££,,£ £,£,,,,,,,
££££,£,£,£ in a black rubbery sleep i dream about ,£££,,,,,,
£,,,££££££ cold boiling asphalt and ££,,£,,,,,
££,,£,,,,, crimson emergency flares... ,,£,££,,,,
£,£,££,,,, £,£££,£,,,
£££££,£,,, == ,££,,£££,,
£,,,,£££,, ------------------= =------------------ ££,£,£,,£,
££,,,£,,£, == £,£££££,££
,,£,,££,££ ,££,,,,££,
,,££,£,££, they were tearing down statues, and ££,£,,,£,£
£,£,££££,£ bellowing their manifest, in the rain, ,,£££,,£££
,££££,,,££ in the dark, £,£,,£,£,,
,£,,,£,,£, ££££,££££,
,££,,££,££ and something followed me out, a ,,,,££,,,£
££,£,£,££, yearning. a memory of being touched by £,,,£,£,,£
,,££££££,£ a ray from a raspberry sun. still ££,,££££,£
£,£,,,,,££ there, everything would be gritty and ,,£,£,,,££
,£££,,,,£, full of tar. rain upon it. but then a £,££££,,£,
,£,,£,,,££ few bright and colorful anomalies. and ,££,,,£,££
£££,££,,£, a promise for more. ,£,£,,£££,
£,,££,£,££ ,££££,£,,£
,£,£,££££, like waking up with a business card in ,£,,,£££,£
££££££,,,£ your pocket... £££,,£,,££
,,,,,,£,,£ £,,£,££,£,
,,,,,,££,£ a feather boa wrapped around a velvet ,£,£££,£££
£,,,,,£,££ lizard, surfacing for milliseconds at a ££££,,££,,
££,,,,£££, time, calling, tugging at my arms. £,,,£,£,£,
£,£,,,£,,£ begging me to sink back down and be ££,,££££££
,£££,,££,£ with them, with their kind. easy to get £,£,£,,,,,
,£,,£,£,££ washed away from the tether, from the ££££££,,,,
,££,£££££, way back up. £,,,,,£,,,
,£,££,,,,£ ££,,,,££,,
,£££,£,,,£ £,£,,,£,£,
,£,,£££,,£ but i cannot go. the consequences would ,£££,,££££
£££,£,,£,£ be too large. especially since i'm in ,£,,£,£,,,
£,,£££,£££ the work mill and they've got their ,££,££££,,
££,£,,££,, eyes on me already. the feeling will ,£,££,,,£,
£,£££,£,£, wane, and i will miss it, and cease to ,£££,£,,££
,££,,£££££ understand. like every day. ££,,£££,£,
,£,£,£,,,, ,,£,£,,£££
£££££££,,, == £,££££,£,,
£,,,,,,£,, = = £££,,,£££,
££,,,,,££, -----------------= =----------------- ,,,£,,£,,£
,,£,,,,£,£ = = ,,,££,££,£
£,££,,,£££ == £,,£,££,££
,££,£,,£,, ,£,£££,££,
,£,£££,££, ££££,,££,£
££££,,££,£ £,,,£,£,££
,,,,£,£,££ ,£,,£££££,
,,,,£££££, £££,£,,,,£
£,,,£,,,,£ ,,,£££,,,£