        the name is a little mis-       
   giving, because of course there is   
 no  real geometry in the caves. you  may 
 feel  as if you are venturing  into some 
 vast  structure,  but  you  are  in fact 
 leaving any  such thing at the entrance. 
     leaving physical tethers behind,     
  submitting to an inescapable darkness,  
 the  world around you  becomes more of a 
 manifestation  of   your   mind,   or  a 
 collective  mind,  with  a  shape  and a 
          direction and a taste.          
   inescapeable darkness, because if you  
 bring  a   candle  or  mount  electrical 
 lights,   the  walls  only   serves   as 
 markers  to  where   the  tiny   spatial 
 existence  ends and the darkness beneath 
                it begins.                
 like  an inverted mandelbrot,  the  real 
 cave is  actually  not  the pockets, but 
 the  black  around them.  keep  that  in 
 the  moisture that  permeates  any  cave 
 worth  it's name... it's the  water  the 
 world  rose from.  it's  the  water  you 
        drown in, in your dreams.         
 the  only sounds  in  the cave are those 
 that  you make  yourselves. they may  be 
 distorted  by  the stone structure,  and 
 amplified by your  mind. try not  to  be 
 alarmed,  try  to  remember the  persons 
 and  objects around  you,  and  you  can 
 discern   a   mirage   from  a   friend.