,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,===££ ££===,,,,,
,^=///%%## Opposer.Dream ##%%///=^,
,^=/=%££££ ======================================== ££££%=/=^,
,,,,,^/%%£ £%%/^,,,,,
,^=/=%£### Intrinsically Weaved Within The Space ###£%=/=^,
,,,^^^/%%# Between What The Brain Constructs And #%%/^^^,,,
,^=/=%£### The Real, The Space Which We Usually ###£%=/=^,
,,,,^==/=£ Call The Aether, Distortions, £=/==^,,,,
,^=/=%£### Anomalies, Can Appear Under ###£%=/=^,
,,,^/=%%%# Circumstances, Peculiar Ones, Folded In #%%%=/^,,,
,^^=///%## Like Liquid Crystals, Appearing As If ##%///=^^,
,,^^^^==££ You Suddenly Rotate Your Head In Some ££==^^^^,,
,,,^^/=£££ Fourth Dimension (Usually More Or Less £££=/^^,,,
,^=/====£# Uncomfortable) #£====/=^,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### The Opposer Looks Like A Concave Square ###£%=/=^,
,,,,^//%%# Balancing On A Corner, With Round #%%//^,,,,
,^=/=%£### Cutouts Along Its Edges Making It Look ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,^==%£ Like A Pointy Cross, Or Something From £%==^,,,,,
,^=/%£#### Twewy ####£%/=^,
,,,,,=/=%# #%=/=,,,,,
,,,,,^/=££ It'S Hostile, Maybe Not Conscious But ££=/^,,,,,
,^=/=%£### Active, Perceiving, Alive In Some ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### Sense. But I Feel As If That Might Be A ###£%=/=^,
,,,,^/%%£# Reduction, That I'M Interpreting The #£%%/^,,,,
,,,,^==%£# Tip Of Something Much Larger And Alien #£%==^,,,,
,,,==///%£ To Me. Maybe Not Alive, Then, But £%///==,,,
,^/=%£#### Something Worse. ####£%=/^,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,,,,==%%## ^ ##%%==,,,,
,^=/=%£### / ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,^==%# ,, == ,, #%==^,,,,,
,,,,,==/%£ ======,,, === ,,===, £%/==,,,,,
,^=/=%£### ===,, =%%% ,,,,,== ###£%=/=^,
,,^^//==£# == ££££= =, #£==//^^,,
,^=/=%£### ,= /££££££ , ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ###/ / ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### // # ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ===£££////=###= /£/=====^ ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,^^/=£ ^^^=%%%££// =####/////££%%%===/^^^ £=/^^,,,,,
,^=/=%£### = /#/ £%===^ ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### /#/ / ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ,= /£££££/ ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### == =££££% =, ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,=//%£ ,==, %%% ==, £%//=,,,,,
,^=/===££# ====,,,, === ,,====== #££===/=^,
,^=/===%%£ // ,,,,, £%%===/=^,
,^=/=%£### / ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ^ ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,==£## ##£==,,,,,
,,,,^^/=££ Various Forms Like These ££=/^^,,,,
,,^^^=/%££ ££%/=^^^,,
,,,,,,==%£ =#= £%==,,,,,,
,^=///=£## ,£##£/ ##£=///=^,
,^=/=%£### ^%%^ ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,^/%## ^^ ##%/^,,,,,
,,,,,^===£ ^, £===^,,,,,
,^=/=%£### ,^ ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ^^ ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£££# ^%%^ #£££%=/=^,
,,,^/=%%## , ,/£##£/, , ##%%=/^,,,
,^=/=%£### =##==^,, ^,,^==########==^,, ^,,^==##= ###£%=/=^,
,^=/==%%££ =###==^,,^ ,,^==########==^,,^ ,,^==###= ££%%==/=^,
,^=/=%£££# =, ,/£##£/, ,= #£££%=/=^,
,^=/=£#### ^%%^ ####£=/=^,
,,,,,^/%%# ^^ #%%/^,,,,,
,^=/=%££## ^, ##££%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ,^ ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### ^^ ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,,==%# ^%%^ #%==,,,,,,
,,,^^====£ /£##£, £====^^,,,
,,,,,^==£# =#= #£==^,,,,,
,^=/=£#### ####£=/=^,
,,,,=/=%## It Morphs ##%=/=,,,,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,,,,=//=£# # #£=//=,,,,
,,,,^/==%£ # £%==/^,,,,
,,,^^//%£# ##/ #£%//^^,,,
,^=/==%£## /###/ ##£%==/=^,
,,,,,=/%£# =£%=%%==£= #£%/=,,,,,
,^=/=%#### == == === ####%=/=^,
,^=/=%££## ^// ##££%=/=^,
,^=/=£#### === ####£=/=^,
,,,,,,,==£ /= ,^^^^^, %== £==,,,,,,,
,^=/=%£### =//#/= =^//=^^,,,,,^^==^^ =££// ###£%=/=^,
,^^^////%£ ==####£%%=^^^=^^,, ,,^^=^^^=%%££######== £%////^^^,
,,,,^/=%£# //#/ ,^^^^^, ==£#//== #£%=/^,,,,
,^=/=%£### / ,==== %= ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,,^/%# // #%/^,,,,,,
,^=/=%£### %%= = =%%= ###£%=/=^,
,,,,,=/%## =%%=%=%%%= ##%/=,,,,,
,,^===%%%£ /££££/ £%%%===^,,
,^=///%£## /### ##£%///=^,
,^=/=%£### ## ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### # ###£%=/=^,
,,,=//=%%# #%%=//=,,,
,^=/=%£### It Appears In It'S Truest False Form ###£%=/=^,
,^=/%£#### Inscribed All Over Your Vision, In The ####£%/=^,
,^=/=%£### Case Of Nightmares, Evil Meditation, Or ###£%=/=^,
,,^^^==%£# Drug-Induced Transcendental States. #£%==^^^,,
,,,,^^^/%# Living Behind The Curtain, So To Speak, #%/^^^,,,,
,^=/=%£### In The Liquid Between You And The World ###£%=/=^,
,,,,^=/=£# You'Re In. #£=/=^,,,,
,,,^=/%£## ##£%/=^,,,
,^=/=%£### But Even In Calmer Times, It'S Never ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### Too Far Away, And You Can Find Yourself ###£%=/=^,
,^=/=%£### Transfixed By Floor Tiles, Jewelry ###£%=/=^,
,^==%£#### (Totems? Charms?), Trees, And Other ####£%==^,
,^==%£#### Such Things... ####£%==^,
,,^^/==£## ##£==/^^,,
,^=/=%£### ###£%=/=^,
,,,^^^=/%# #%/=^^^,,,
,,,,,,^/%# #%/^,,,,,,
,,,,^=/%## ##%/=^,,,,