¨¨&¨¨&¨&¨& ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨&&¨&&&&&¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
&¨&&¨¨¨¨&& ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
&&¨&¨¨¨&¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨&
¨&&&¨¨&&¨& ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨&¨
&¨¨&¨&¨&&¨ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨&&¨
&¨&&&&&¨&& ^¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨^ ¨¨¨¨¨¨&¨&&
&&¨¨¨¨&&¨¨ ^¨ ¨^ ¨¨¨¨¨&&&¨¨
¨&¨¨¨&¨&¨¨ ^¨ feedback ¨^ ¨¨¨¨&¨¨&¨&
&&¨¨&&&&¨& ^¨ ¨^ ¨¨¨&&¨&&&&
¨&¨&¨¨¨&&& ^¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨^ ¨¨&¨&&¨¨¨¨
&&&&¨¨&¨¨& ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¨&&&¨&¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨&¨&&¨&¨ &¨¨&&&¨¨¨&
¨¨&&&¨&&&& feedback is for making the process a &¨&¨¨&¨¨&&
¨&¨¨&&¨¨¨¨ whole lot more messy, to introduce a &&&¨&&¨&¨&
&&¨&¨&¨¨¨& fractal in the spice mix... things or ¨¨&&¨&&&&&
¨&&&&&¨¨&& populations of things start to be self ¨&¨&&¨¨¨¨¨
&¨¨¨¨&¨&¨¨ referential or self eating &&&¨&¨¨¨¨¨
&¨¨¨&&&&¨¨ (autovore...) or spiraling in or out... ¨¨&&&¨¨¨¨&
&¨¨&¨¨¨&¨& ¨&¨¨&¨¨¨&¨
&¨&&¨¨&&&¨ in the sixties they did research in the &&¨&&¨¨&&&
&&¨&¨&¨¨&& jungle and in the sea and they found ¨&&¨&¨&¨¨¨
¨&&&&&¨&¨¨ that feedback does not give rise to an &¨&&&&&¨¨&
&¨¨¨¨&&&¨& equilibrium. they were trying to prove &&¨¨¨¨&¨&&
&¨¨¨&¨¨&&& that nature is a tame beast. but she's ¨&¨¨¨&&&¨¨
&¨¨&&¨&¨¨¨ not! &&¨¨&¨¨&¨&
&¨&¨&&&¨¨¨ this may hold true out there... but ¨&¨&&¨&&&¨
&&&&¨¨&¨¨& maybe not in signal wizardry? depending &&&¨&&¨¨&&
¨¨¨&¨&&¨&¨ on your technique, you might easily ¨¨&&¨&¨&¨¨
¨¨&&&¨&&&& find recurrences. ¨&¨&&&&&¨¨
¨&¨¨&&¨¨¨& &&&¨¨¨¨&¨¨
&&¨&¨&¨¨&& ¨¨&¨¨¨&&¨¨
¨&&&&&¨&¨& ¨&&¨¨&¨&¨&
&¨¨¨¨&&&&¨ &¨&¨&&&&&&
&¨¨¨&¨¨¨&& &&&&¨¨¨¨¨¨
&¨¨&&¨¨&¨¨ ¨¨¨&¨¨¨¨¨&