...£££..£. ..£....£..
££..£..... £...££...£
£.....££££ ..£....£..
..£££..£££ ....££....
£..£....££ £££....£££
.....££... tell them you need to take a call, and .£..££..££
.£££....££ go south. sneak between the houses, ..........
..£..££... getting smaller as you go. .£££££££££
........££ cross the train tracks... ..£££££££.
£££££££..£ exit the western industrial dome. ...£££££..
.£££££.... ££..£££...
..£££..££. as you push through the thicker snow .....£..££
...£...... outside, you become a witch again. ££££......
££...££££. shapes in the dirt become runes. .££..£££££
£..£..££.. pawprints become hidden families. you ......££££
.........£ adjust your course. £££££..£££
.£££££££.. ££££....£.
..£££££... the ermines make fine meats. one call .££..££...
£..£££..££ and they would come willingly. back in ........££
....£....£ the dome, what they give you for .££££££..£
.££...££.. eating... it's not right. it's nothing ..££££....
....£..... you can feed on, not really. £..££..£££
.££...££££ ........£.
....£..£££ but it's likely you're still under £££££££...
£££.....££ observation. south is a weird direction ££££££..££
££..£££..£ and so you probably warrant some .££££....£
£....£.... attention. interacting with the ..££..££..
..££...£££ wildlife is out of the picture. £.........
£....£..££ ..££££££££
..££.....£ you adjust your course. £..£££££££
.....£££.. ....£££££.
££££..£..£ £££..£££..
.££....... ££....£...
....£££££. £..££...££
.££..£££.. ......£...
......£..£ .££££...££