@@§†\».... ....»\†§@@
#@@§†\»... ...»\†§@@#
##@@§†\».. ..»\†§@@##
#@@§†\»... ...»\†§@@#
@@§†\».... ....»\†§@@
@§†\»..... Shapeshifter By Physical Introspection, .....»\†§@
§†\»...... By Building Clay Figures And Seeing ......»\†§
†\»....... Oneself In Them. As Follows: .......»\†
\»........ ........»\
»......... Wolverine\\ Ratlike, Blood-Seeping, \ .........»
.......... »»»»»»»»»»» Freaky, Perhaps Too Cool, ..........
»......... ........... Too Sovereign. \\\\\\\\\\ .........»
\»........ Raccoon\\\\ Virus Bearer. Rabies. \\\ ........»\
†\»....... »»»»»»»»»»» Handed. Perhaps Too Cute. .......»\†
§†\»...... Rat\\\\\\\\ Critter, Beneath-Dweller, ......»\†§
@§†\»..... »»»»»»»»»»» The Most Ratlike By \\\\\ .....»\†§@
@@§†\».... ........... Virtue Of Being One. \\\\ ....»\†§@@
#@@§†\»... ........... Whatever That Is. \\\\\\\ ...»\†§@@#
##@@§†\».. Armadillo\\ Little Armored One. \\\\\ ..»\†§@@##
#@@§†\»... »»»»»»»»»»» Doesn'T Look Dangerous, \ ...»\†§@@#
@@§†\».... ........... A Bit Pathetic Maybe. \\\ ....»\†§@@
@§†\»..... Cat\\\\\\\\ Too Noble. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ .....»\†§@
§†\»...... Fox\\\\\\\\ Too Playful. \\\\\\\\\\\\ ......»\†§
†\»....... Wolf\\\\\\\ The Wolf Is Not A \\\\\\\ .......»\†
\»........ »»»»»»»»»»» \\\\\\\\\\\ Real Creature ........»\
»......... Magpie\\\\\ If It'S Broken-Winged.... .........»
.......... »»»»»»»»»»» Good Temperament. But, \\ ..........
»......... ........... Too Free. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ .........»
\»........ ........»\
†\»....... .......»\†
§†\»...... ......»\†§
@§†\»..... .....»\†§@
@@§†\».... ....»\†§@@