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¨¤¨&¨£§¨¨@ theres ¨¨. fuckig%n spire ¨@¨¤,§£,#£
,¤.@¨,&.£¤ ¨¤,&.,#,,¤
,#.¤,&¤¨¨§ wherever ya go there it is §@if ya turn ¨§¨&,£§.&&
¨&¨£,.&.¤# just so there it always is .£.¤.¨§.,§
¨@.£.£¤¨¨¤ ¨@.§,§@¨@£
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,#,§,#&¨¨# %% unless its a rain. the only refuge *% ,&.¤¨#¤¨#¤
.£¨£..¤.¤& †%†*§* someti ¨@,&,¨£¨,§
¨#¨£.§¤¨.£ ¨¤¨§.£@¨#§
¨§¨&,,#,@& sometiems they come from out there and ,#.§,¨£¨,&
,@,£.¨,¤ they dock& their ships ,§,¤.@¤,@@
,#¨&.,¤,&¤ ¨#.#,.£.¨#
.£.&.&&..£ as much as y loathe the tower, the ,§,£¨§¤¨§@
.@,@,,&.@§ visitors usually bring lots a batteries ,§.§¨¨£¨.&
¨¤,@¨&¤.,¤ to the mark§#$¶t ¨@.&.&§.§¤
.£,¤¨,@. ¨§,&..@..£
,§¨#,§§,.£ so we arent so starved ¨¤,¤,§¤,§@
,#.§.¨¤¨&& ¨@¨¤,,&..§
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